in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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thank you Peace Action west for detail follow thru to work with;
I am writing to urge you to cosponsor Rep. Markey’s bill, H.R. 3974, the Smarter Approach to Nuclear Expenditures Act of 2012 (the SANE Act).
The Cold War has been over for more than two decades, and yet we are still spending...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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i've said no on the west coast for the proposed area Cape Arago in Oregon, due to the process being very bad science.
my ideal of good science is to fine tune each area, not carry forward thought from another, yes like detail can share but each to be treated individually + by locals. giving t...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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our combined` effect adds;
locals that work the land are valuable resources + project osic will work to ensure locals have self-reliance + build community with rights for survival. it is wrong to isolate any ecological corridor + sell property to anyone that divides natural biomes that loca...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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please review our tapering transition;
we can stop the energy inefficiency of struggling, law suits, protesting aggressively, misinformation allowed to be applied when people go beyond natural limits - yet they are allowed to ecologically destroy.
by seriously ...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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wow this was very hard, to address how we as people, that are subjected to so much fragmentation, can pool our resources. we have the ability to reflect + support each to interrelate, build community that helps each sort out their life. so as to build neural pathways that harmonize. where...
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in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real!
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Lets load the shit.
+ hit the road.... + hit the road....
it`s 12.12.2011 less than 40 degrees, horse tails the day before brings what seas, full moon bright + beautiful, as skipper limps, climbing to the higher deck, engine smokes, birds talking, sea lions squawking, as the w...
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in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real!
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NOAA Fisheries Service published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) to revise the National Standard 10 guidelines on April 21, 2011, with a comment period that ended on July 20, 2011. Public comments on the National Standard 10 ANPR can be viewed on the Federal e-rulemaking port...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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if we get accepted for the WASH For Life Grant we have ideals to cooperative pool our biomes` + put those that work at in charge as we create sound sustainable investments for locals. then when in need of more we put it out to the markets only if they come aboard in our tapering transition + ret...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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please respond to: our combined` effect <>,
we invite you to partner with us as we pursue the WASH For Life Grant from the US AID/Div, application.
if we are not applicable, please come together with your offerings. so we may resolve t...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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please take a review of your personal footprint + redirect as you include support for these folks to be heard as they represent the many that ecologically protect our biosphere + give us our food, meanwhile they are abused/killed/lnad grabbed. while yet many legislators/governing bodies are pr...
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in build a community that supports everyone to understand our local/global obligations..
by Peace is real!
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note we did not get accepted for grant 2 stage, after it passed thru stage 1 having all requirements. but this has been a good work experience as we co_evolved project osic, thinking this was the best we can make of this.
we are awaiting explanation why, please see our combined` effec...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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i ask our US president, legislators + entities that reach out locally + afar to come together for all life to regain natural balance, as we put together good solutions we now have.
as we invite investors to rethink + regain innerpersonal awareness of the negative issues they are presen...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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This is what is happening around the world as people pay no attention to Fair Trade or the reality of why we have ill folks, as well the loss of our biodiversity. as we continue to not pay attention to legislators, as they allow this kind of global policy that allows sound science to be l...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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November 1, 2011
tags: budget, Development, diplomacy, foreign affairs, international affairs, senate
by Rebecca Griffin
This week, the Senate is planning to vote on the international affairs budget—money for everything from nuclear nonproliferation to vaccinations to conflict prevention to...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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I edit on a comment I heard on the 2012 Farm Bill.
-Quote `Politics play a role in what is on our dinner plate says The Splendid Table radio announcer, speaking to Prof. Marion Nestle from NYU. She comments + teaches the 2012 Farm Bill, to define the political reality of what must be done to...
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in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real!
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say NGOsReport finds genetically modified crops fail to increase yields let alone solve hunger, soil erosion and chemical-use issues
reddit this John Vidal, environment editor, Wednesday 19 October 2011 11.53 EDT larger | smaller Article history
GM crops promote superweeds, ...
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in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real!
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As announced by Dainik Bhaskar on November 8, 2011, The MOU’s of Monsanto and other Seed Companies with Rajasthan Agricultural Universities have been cancelled
Under pressure of the Prime Minister’s Office (which in turn was under the pressure of the White House because of signing the U.S – I...
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in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real!
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Peasant Seeds: Dignity, Culture and Life. Wednesday, 16 March 2011 09:12
Farmers throughout the world are the victims of a war for control over seeds. Our agricultural systems are threatened by industries that seek to cont...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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Declaration of Nyeleni Europe
Nyeleni Europe 2011: European Forum for Food Sovereignty
Krems, August 21st
Europe’s people are now experiencing the first structural adjustment policies...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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Scaling up successful agroecological initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean
Miguel A. Altieri, Daniel Buckles, Rolando Bunch, Simon Carter, Antonio Casanova, Paul Engel, Ruben Figueroa and Carlos Venegas.
In Latin America and the Caribbean there are many NGOs involved in promoting ...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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Agroecology in Action
revised 07-30-00
Agroecology is a scientific discipline that uses ecological theory to study, design, manage and evaluate agricultural systems that are productive but also resource conserving. Agroecological research considers interactions of all important biop...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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revised 07-30-00
CLADES: Latin American Consortium on Agroecology and Sustainable Development
- Chile -
Mission: The Latin American Consortium on Agroecology and Sustainable Development (CLADES) is a collaborative effort of Latin American NGOs to prevent the collapse of peasant a...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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17-19 November, Mali
(Bamako, 28 October 2011) The farmers of the National Coordination of Farming Organizations (CNOP) in Mali and the international farmers’ movement Via Campesina hereby invite the press to cover the first international farmers’ conference whose objective is tostrengthen ...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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International Food Sovereignty Day to Cool Down the Earth 5th December 2011, Durban, South Africa
We call on all farmers’ movements and organizations, rural workers, landless people and all the food sovereignty movement to join us for an international day of m...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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anyone interested in teleconferencing as you represent your local students. if so come to talk talk subcatagorie + leave us a comment + we will get in touch.
we are trying to leverage our combined` effect as we network. as we set up a base in every country, including the ...
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