in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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i'd like to share some info from a friend along with my answer below. see what you can do to support us.
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Truth? Who cares about that when Obama does not, obviously.
These video...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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if agree, go online to
Hi folks,
we need 24,999 signatures for the Obama Administration to act, this is the petition:
We want the Obama Administration to create the responsible role of
government, rid dysfunction + r...
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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The international peasant's voice
Wednesday, 09 February 2011 14:08
Unity among peasants, landless, women farmers and rural youth
La Via Campesina is the international movement which brings together millions of peasants, small and medium-size farmers, landless people, women farme...
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in `seeds, if ya don`t save them, you`re yet to be a true farmer..
by Peace is real!
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these folks have a nice selection to buy/add too, when you save your seeds.
see their free lessons to save your own seed. activism can work to stop GMO`s.
Find people near you through
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in `earth supporting life:. thank you farmers..
by Peace is real!
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I'm posting for Sarah, she is working at her internet.
thank you Sarah + Joe Humphries for your season of very nice goods, as they wait at Coos Bay Farmers Market for their last box of the season to be picked up. they are located in Roseburg + delivery to the market here in Coos B...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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I share an email i sent to all legislators, please do the same, for they appear to foolishly work on tallys, vs. common sense, at times, you can copy mine added to what Peace Action West researched.
email: I am appalled that the Pentagon is planning a $53 million arms sale to a regime...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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I share with you our email to Barack, Merkely, DeFazio, Boehner..
Hello Folks,
please note we have opened our forum to the public.
come help make this a good tool;
Barack, Jeff, Peter, i do hope...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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1 comment
Dear Folks of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction:
I thank Rebecca, from Peace Action West. as she has reminded me of much detail that makes me sick, that you folks are presently acting on.
I am writing to urge you to support a deficit reduction plan that cuts waste...
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in `sea life in balance:.
by Peace is real!
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i'd like to share my discussion with a Mike On F/V Behmer, whom you folks may already know.
i've told him + others about soon to hear upcoming changes of the Mag Stevens Act along with another open comment period as you stated Deb.
they resisted iniatially + stated it won't h...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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lucky us to have a community that cares..
thank you folks that have helped him out! You know who you are..
this is just another example of what community can do when we pool our thought:
Mike + JD at the fish shacks locally are offering fresh fish al...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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i believe in gripping the moment with multi functional tasks.
Barack + Congress, please note:
will i give Barack $3.00 toward his campaign now, no.
will i support his responsible position now, yes.
i just yesterday after a lengthy IRS discussion with a very...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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1 comment
this is so important because communites have an abundant of good
sensitive/skilled folks locally + beyond. pulling own way, etc.
i come to talk
patches talk
a virtual message board to bring us eye to eye..
link - still threading thru Google, just opened recently to...
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by Peace is real!
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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i share a letter i wrote to International Peace Day Associates.
(note i made a few corrections since then)
Hello folks,
what an endeavor with both of your entities.
i've breifly become aware from skype + did an over view.
Jane please note i could not find the rules for entering on...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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our combined' effort wrote:
all this generalization of what is being done is mind boggling to a natural human neuro process. we are a living organism dependent on a ecological sustainable environment.
starting with home schooling it is unfair that all folks + children can't exchange s...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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The Dangerous Demographics of West Africa Mark Weston
February 18, 2009 | More on Africa, Conflict and security | No comments
I gave a talk to senior civil servants at the Home Office last week, as part of Demos’s Leadership Masterclass on International Challenges and Counter-Terrorism. My...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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I share with you a letter emailed to our President + Legislators..
Hello folks,
Barack is our president, whether completely right or not. this dysfuntional
entity can be restored if the respect for positions get regained. + in
order for yours to be also respected, we need to s...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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a book to give you some nice connections to fill in some missing links by Chris Crowley and Dr. Harry Lodge that focuses on living an active senior lifestyle.
now interact + add simple local living how tos from permaculture, agro-ecology + perennial food forests + look out folks, for...
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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these folks work with Dr. Leon Hammer + offer interesting courses as well blog.
check them out + gain some insight.
so when you feel out of sorts or before you think you need a doctor, ask yourself how you can better be part of your own healing + simple maintenance for good ...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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permaculture, agro-ecology + perennial natural food forrests..
are ethical design system's for creating human environments that are ecologically sound & economically viable. It integrates innovative science into the conscious development of cultivated ecosystems that have the ...
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in `compost, the magic of critters being allowed to do their work:.
by Peace is real!
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Martin Naylor martinwnaylor at
Thu Sep 8 02:51:03 EDT 2005
Previous message: [permaculture] Nutrient recycling with living machine for homestead
Next message: [permaculture] Nutrient recycling with living machine for homestead
Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thre...
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in GMO/Nuclear see more.. The next` move do_in.. can be a very important move..
by Peace is real!
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Paper delivered at the panel on Climate Change, 4S Annual Conference
Montreal, Quebec, October 11, 2007
Climate Refugees and Climate Conflict: Who’s Taking the Heat for Global Warming?
Betsy Hartmann
Director, Population and Development Program
Associate Professor, ...
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in suffering can be gripped early on..
by Peace is real!
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if interested in reflecting with a western doctor that incorporates eastern medicine in his studies, teaching, writings + a history of treating patients, please review Leon's articles. i show you a list of a few here.
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in rejoin` a define of i do_in..
by Peace is real!
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I share an email with you sent out in regards to Barack wanting campaign contributions to tally up status in comparison with others. folks don't you think we have had enough of this foolishness.
Hello Barack + Jim,
if you where smart you would say ya know what public, we are quitting this ...
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in makumbo list to work..
by Peace is real!
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i personally attempted to share with the port of Brookings, Oregon. after living on a boat their, part time volunteering supporting the community +welcomed the new director. which when originally 1st met at a meeting, i stated after my review of folks discussing him being voted in, t...
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