please do your homework, we can build new neural networks + creatively add solution, welcome people to a tapering transition..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!

    please review our tapering transition;

          we can stop the energy inefficiency of struggling, law suits, protesting aggressively, misinformation allowed to be applied when people go beyond natural limits - yet they are allowed to ecologically destroy.

   by seriously pooling our resources, redirecting our energy + welcoming these people into a cloth/table platform where we support them to rethink.

          yes support them, with our specific, science made good + clearly define holistic reality, that they have missed + been allowed to do. they had no ethics ecologically which where common sense to them. then many rode on their wave with greed, attempts to survive, unaware, what ever. it is a waste of energy to go this route, when yes we may not yet have the neural network for some to comprehend this. but enough do. + it is this direction that will reflect solutions for each then to fill in locally. so as to not generalize or assume.

   rather be in the present + address directly the people behind each shield. + together if we do this globally, we then can make a difference. for these resources are abundant + they can be used wisely, as indigenous lead the path with the good science they continue to live. yes the bad science has ignored them as well themselves as they stay muttled with no real time integration for building sound working comminties that harmonize. which we propose in project osic;

   + although my friends below do not support the USAID as they direct their statement, read below, but i want you to know this grant application from them i just did was very hard. why because if you see it, which i'm happy to show you it all, if you ask for it. you will see that Barack has asked us to show where market /government is wrong so we can make it right. if we can pool our resources + back him, then he also can fight this long over due disassociated energy that many are trapped in, yet they think they do their best for the world, when yet they fail to for them self + their local community. + to do what should be done in priority is not happening because of the neural network many are housing, which can change.

  if Barack gets over ruled + succumbs to not comply, then we again help him understand what should be, from sharp sensory perspective, with him in this responsible role. vs those that have dulled their sensors in attempts to make it right. + as i`ve proposed with grant, i cannot accept just focusing on the poorest countries without starting here in the US + thread with all countries to see how we produce them. as well take care of our local people without their daily needs met, etc. as we use these funds to not allow dysfunction to continue, rather pool resources for chosen stewards already in place as a hub of hubs to then reach out, not with aid, but a loan for economic gain to now control these lands of sustainability. which each one of you will then share what works best.  as we not bring in aid, rather we support local market that is most efficient then to reach out to those without + together look at the global picture for each local community obligation to self -sustain + say no to these false green movements.

       students in each community, will have modes ready to invest from those that have gone thru the tapering transition + now ready to happily be an investor of modes that build self-reliance, respecting indigenous control's for their work place, that have protected the commons for sovereignty + decentralization. + investor is now whole within himself, no longer adrenalizing on the roller coaster ride, rather happy for a calm stability, a breath of fresh air literally, as our local biospheres then link as genetic biodiversity is restored. 1 good science is lived every day, no longer just for groups, rather community self-devlops as we realize our interdependence as a living species on this planet;

   fueling us all to clean up the waste to then have a good foundation to co_evolve with. so all gain tools to become a local, global + beyond participant. + i don't mean just all on the computer, rather each should have respect to choose. + never should a way be only by computer, rather students can learn + a spoke person can tally for those unaware or uninterested. for it is just a tool, even though good, it should not be controlled. rather all need to be aware of the scams, etc. as in anything, if a child has awareness then they make good judgement. + until we walk side by side admitting our wrong doings, in this walkabout, giving them reality as an equal now, taking responsibility of why so many are without. now adults have a chance to develop along side their child. reprogramming what many think is natural, realizing we can build new neural networks + never go back to the past of such horror as this planet + beyond has experienced.

   rather we can celebrate, play music as wild critters help us restore a natural reality of living within nature`s limits. + regain balance for all life. networking continuing to explore the unique cultures created from being `boon with the wild. no more over emotion thinking we have a natural disaster leaving us distraught, when we can be understand wilderness awareness + see the beauty of regeneration of new life. with each global experience, whether a hurricane or tidal wave, we can be better prepared as we live in the wild + integrate, building appropriately. without fear based misinformation.

only together can we do this. for the WB, WTO, UN + many, also has had so much ingrained incorrectness from the hand full of people that have controlled this planet + done it unethically + used no sense of good science at all. yet i see many that had good thought, but it was fragmented, no good science or simple respect for indigenous when they supported people to act. indigenous have been abused + never respected for what is real science, when you live in real time respecting life as an equal. + truly giving life its` space. + no life should interfere in another. if so then they stop + correct it.

many people have been abused/misused + still are. this we cannot accept. what we can do with our energy is to focus direct + stay in the moment. so that we truly co_evolve. giving support to those unable to stay present, as their baggage long carried forward from the past surfaces, which they also can rid that if they do their homework.

it is this compassion that will fuel answers to stop the false green movement + do a land use review for all life. + in project osic, which i proposed in the grant with or without, this we will review with local students, tradional `ways aware now, those unavailable that where ruled out/abused, + seek them again. only then will we consider as a supplement only, an alternative form of energy to supplement what should be after analysis of land use review.

for all those party`s involved in the present deforestation projects globally as well implementing large so called green projects are seriously wrong + interfering in our global/local ability to build + link our genetic biospheres, which is our survival + is not presently calculated correctly to sustain our health locally + or globally nor to co_evolve as the human species.

plus these people + all before them, are wrong to of interfered in the local people`s ability to migrate + provide food + shelter dependent on each local biomes offerings.

in do_in study on the Amazon, it is a human disgrace to see how investors purchase land, cut trees to plant fields without even realizing a specific soil type will not facilitate that crop, etc. only the indigenous that have been badly abused, know exactly how to migrate seasonally + what soil of a ph more then 6 as in the Kayopa tribe, as they had several camps, + even when others thought they had abandoned their fields, they still grow species for 5, 15, 30 years, etc. to put in dams, to deforest, eroded soil, interfered in water shed areas, same as they are do_in in US + globally with the false green movement. micro biomes of air flow for insects/birds, etc are being interfered with, when large green so called energy is used. this is wrong.

to see people in US/globally, to not even take the time to have data of land use review correct, along with not knowing how our human species works is amazing, yet natives have been taken from their lands, from their ability to migrate seasonally, knowing which plant is on what soil + what plant attracts what animal to hunt, etc. where the science of indigenous living was not + is not being used, same as the marine reserves + marine protected areas, that people are running with;

           meanwhile the small commercial fisheries are struggling being over regulated, not by just 1 entity but several that are not even integrated, making those that work directly with the elements to struggle that much harder. that is wrong. + Maguson Stevens Act in the US is presently being worked to open for comment. but sadly the good old fishery folks have left without good science being made + more are being pushed out while market/government allows large commercial boats to make havoc for the small boats, as they rape the migrating species. leaving international waters incorrectly enforced as well no good communication in place working with all the commercial small fisherfolks, to re leave their nonsensical over regulated many entities. especially before adding more restrictions as in the marine proposals..  point is people are running wild with different agendas, without thinking of all the negative effects left.

this we cannot allow, when we can welcome each to take a review + then as a human, come back as a community participant + recycle what can + make wrongs right, with now a clear direction for all to go figure. so now we gain an ethical ecological prioritized investment of modes, where locals know exactly their needs +they define parts if any to supplement traditional `ways that work + if enhancement fits into the agroecology gauge then all the better. + locals then define to build parts or where best locally to get them + then be trained to maintain, vs the multinational disrespect + unfair trade, as well wasteful consumption of doing trade from afar. especially as in our food where it goes back + forth for marketing, which is totally unexcused.

people hold yourself accountable, + be the better human + come forth + self-register into the tapering transitions, so we can set the cloth/table stage + now share strategies/schmetics that are ethical + ecologically sound with agroecology gauge in place for land + for water -fresh + sea, for it is wrong + inefficient to do wave energy or river energy + then continue with bad land energy ways that are bring toxins to the ocean, such as the mono cultures damage with toxic run off, or GMOS air born contamination, etc. destroying the natural nursery grounds. + then support farmed fish, which is wrong + the Canadian salmon farms have proven to be very negative + damaging.

  to put all this data together on what is bad, can be done + will be done as we pool our resources. + to be most efficient is to move on + correct it, giving an abundance of work to all, to come together + volunteer as each fall into position for long term careers as good stewards. + the student in all  do this continued walkabout, so as to see the negative effect degreed/so called developed people leave on their local community + afar. where now with tallies being transparent we can show people, products + now alternatives, so if people leave negative effects + resist the tapering transition then they will not last long once we self-actualize with sound direction, by sharing what works.

      bringing in indigenous `ways + showing the good science to create with as we do a new land use review + incorporate ethically what is ecological reality for our local sustainability for each biome;

     to get serious of linking our biospheres for our human + all life priorities to regain our environments to be our best medicine. for those that perceive solutions to address appropriately as people come together with their local community participants + hold them accountable + ourselves as we co_evolve in this in time process. where not just math + technology is studied rather we add the ecology, biology, agroecology, so all can learn the same language, so all know the same shade of color when we speck it locally, no matter where we are on this planet.

thank you for this review, kara j lincoln

        our combined` effect makes a difference + we all need to prioritize this;

                      La Vía Campesina Call to action

        Reclaiming our future: Rio + 20 and Beyond

On 20-22 June 2012, governments from around the world will gather in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to commemorate 20 years of the "Earth Summit", the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) that first established a global agenda for "sustainable development". During the 1992 summit, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) and the Convention to Combat Desertification, were all adopted. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was also established to ensure effective follow-up of the UNCED “Earth Summit.”

Twenty years later, governments should have reconvened to review their commitments and progress, but in reality the issue to debate will be the "green economy" led development, propagating the same capitalist model that caused climate chaos and other deep social and environmental crises.
La Vía Campesina will mobilize for this historical moment, representing the voice of the millions of peasants and indigenous globally who are defending the well-being of all by implementing food sovereignty and the protection of natural resources.

             20 Years later: a planet in crisis

20 years after the Earth Summit, life has become more difficult for the majority of the planet's inhabitants. The number of hungry people has increased to almost one billion, which means that one out of six human beings is going hungry, women and small farmers being the most affected. Meanwhile, the environment is depleting fast, biodiversity is being destroyed, water resources are getting scarce and contaminated and the climate is in crisis. This is jeopardizing our very future on Earth while poverty and inequalities are increasing.
The idea of "Sustainable Development" put forward in 1992, which merged "development" and "environment" concerns, did not solve the problem because it did not stop the capitalist system in its race towards profit at the expense of all human and natural resources:
    - The food system is increasingly in the grips of large corporations seeking profit, not aimed at feeding the people.
    - The Convention on Biodiversiy has created benefit sharing mechanisms but at the end of the day, they legitimize the capitalization of genetic resources by the private sector.
    - The UN Convention on Climate Change, instead of forcing countries and corporations to reduce pollution, invented a new profitable and speculative commodity with the carbon trading mechanisms, allowing the polluter to continue polluting and profit from it.
The framework of “sustainable development” continues to see peasant agriculture as backwards and responsible for the deterioration of natural resources and the environment. The same paradigm of development is perpetuated, which is nothing less than the development of capitalism by means of a “green industrialization.”

           The “Green Economy” – Final Enclosure?

Today the "greening of the economy" pushed forward in the run-up to Rio+20 is based on the same logic and mechanisms that are destroying the planet and keeping people hungry. For instance, it seeks to incorporate aspects of the failed “green revolution” in a broader manner in order to ensure the needs of the industrial sectors of production, such as promoting the uniformity of seeds, patented seeds by corporation, genetically modified seeds, etc.

The capitalist economy, based on the over-exploitation of natural resources and human beings, will never become “green.” It is based on limitless growth in a planet that has reached its limits and on the commoditization of the remaining natural resources that have until now remained un-priced or in control of the public sector.

In this period of financial crisis, global capitalism seeks new forms of accumulation. It is during these periods of crisis in which capitalism can most accumulate. Today, it is the territories and the commons which are the main target of capital. As such, the green economy is nothing more than a green mask for capitalism. It is also a new mechanism to appropriate our forests, rivers, land… of our territories!
Since last year’s preparatory meetings towards Rio + 20, agriculture has been cited as one of the causes of climate change. Yet no distinction is made in the official negotiations between industrial and peasant agriculture, and no explicit difference between their effects on poverty, climate and other social issues we face.

The "green economy" is marketed as a way to implement sustainable development for those countries which continue to experience high and disproportionate levels of poverty, hunger and misery. In reality, what is proposed is another phase of what we identify as “green structural adjustment programs” which seek to align and re-order the national markets and regulations to submit to the fast incoming "green capitalism".
Investment capital now seeks new markets through the “green economy”; securing the natural resources of the world as primary inputs and commodities for industrial production, as carbon sinks or even for speculation.

This is being demonstrated by increasing land grabs globally, for crop production for both export and agrofuels. New proposals such as “climate smart” agriculture, which calls for the “sustainable intensification” of agriculture, also embody the goal of corporations and agri-business to over exploit the earth while labeling it “green”, and making peasants dependent on high-cost seeds and inputs. New generations of polluting permits are issued for the industrial sector, especially those found in developed countries, such as what is expected from programs such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD++) and other environmental services schemes.

The green economy seeks to ensure that the ecological and biological systems of our planet remain at the service of capitalism, by the intense use of various forms of biotechnologies, synthetic technologies and geo-engineering. GMO’s and biotechnology are key parts of the industrial agriculture promoted within the framework of "green economy".

The promotion of the green economy includes calls for the full implementation of the WTO Doha Round, the elimination of all trade barriers to incoming “green solutions,” the financing and support of financial institutions such as the World Bank and projects such as US-AID programs, and the continued legitimization of the international institutions that serve to perpetuate and promote global capitalism.

        Why peasant farmers mobilize

Small-scale farmers, family farmers, landless people, indigenous people, migrants - women and men - are now determined to mobilize to oppose any commodification of life and to propose another way to organize our relationship with nature on earth based on agrarian reform, food sovereignty and peasant based agroecology.

   We reject the "Green Economy" as it is pushed now in the Rio+20 process. It is a new mask to hide an ever-present, growing greed of corporations and food imperialism in the world.
We oppose carbon trading and all market solutions to the environmental crisis including the proposed liberalization of environmental services under the WTO.

   We reject REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) which allows rich countries to avoid cutting their carbon emissions by financing often damaging projects in developing countries.

   We expose and reject the corporate capture of the rio + 20 process and all multilateral processes within the United Nations.

   We oppose land grabs, water grabs, seeds grabs, forest grabs - all resources' grabs!

   We defend the natural resources in our countries as a matter of national and popular sovereignty, to face the offensive and private appropriation of capital;

   We demand public policies from governments for the protection of the interests of the majority of the population, especially the poorest, and landless workers;

   We demand a complete ban on geoengineering projects and experiments; under the guise of ‘green’ or ‘clean’ technology to the benefit of agribusiness. This includes new technologies being proposed for adaptation and mitigation to climate change under the banners of “geo-engineering” and “climate smart agriculture”, including false solutions like transgenic plants supposed to adapt to climate change, and "biochar" purported to replenish the soil with carbon.

   We resolve to protect our native seeds and our right to exchange seeds.

   We demand genuine agrarian reform that distributes and redistributes the land - the main factor in production - especially taking into account women and youth. Land must be a means of production to secure the livelihood of the people and must not be a commodity subject to speculation on international markets.

   We reject "market assisted land reform", which is another word for land privatization.

   We struggle for small scale sustainable food production for community and local consumption as opposed to agribusiness, monoculture plantations for export.

   We continue to organize and practice agroecology based production, ensuring food sovereignty for all and implementing collective management of our resources
Call to action

   We call for a major world mobilization to be held between 18-26 June in Rio de Janeiro, with a permanent camp, for the Peoples Summit, to counter the summit of governments and capital.

   We will be in Rio at the People’s Summit where anti-capitalist struggles of the world will meet and together

   we will propose real solutions. The People’s Permanent Assembly, between the 18 and 22, will present the daily struggles against the promoters of capitalism y the attacks against our lands. Today, Rio de Janeiro is one of the cities which receive the most contributions from global capital and will host the Soccer World Cup and Olympics. We will unite our symbolic struggles from the urban to the landless movements and fishers.

   We also declare the week of June 5th, as a major world week in defense of the environment and against transnational corporations and invite everyone across the world to mobilize:

      Defend sustainable peasant agriculture

   Occupy land for the production of agroecological and non-market dominated food

   Reclaim and exchange native seeds

   Protest against Exchange and Marketing Board offices and call for an end to speculative markets on commodities and land

  Hold local assemblies of People Affected by Capitalism

  Dream of a different world and create it!!

The future that we want is based on Agrarian Reform, Peasant's based sustainable agriculture and Food Sovereignty!


         GLOBALIZE HOPE!!!
La Via Campesina
Via Campesina is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. We are an autonomous, pluralist and multicultural movement, independent of any political, economic, or other type of affiliation. Born in 1993, La Via Campesina now gathers about 150 organisations in 70 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

International Operational Secretariat:
Jln. Mampang Prapatan XIV no 5 Jakarta Selatan 12790, Indonesia
Tel/fax: +62-21-7991890/+62-21-7993426