by Peace is real!
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see audio copies up until 48 hours after days schedule for free, each replay is posted. (The replays are put up at the end of the day's live broadcast.)
note i have added few notes of what conversations are about as spe...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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sure it takes a bit of energy to make things happen when working with our legislators, but this only proves that together we can make it happen more faster, for real solution oriented options can happen now in every local community, globally if we simply share what works...
please see link...
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by Peace is real!
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with the Whole Earth Summit event starting today, it is here we invite all to juggle the reality + invite you to join in with these folks.
for our neuro networks are just not their for reality in real time on a global perspective. not to mention many of us locally. meanwhile many are gai...
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by Peace is real!
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i share Credo`s emails on No to Keystone XL + requiring full assessment for the negative effects of coal;
Victory or defeat. One or the other is coming very soon in the fight against Keystone XL.
After years of delays and deferrals, President Obama has for the first time reportedly committ...
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by Peace is real!
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save our wild salmon
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by Peace is real!
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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please review;
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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thank you `boiler room, they now serving free food over the weekend inviting all to share..
check out their schedule for a great community building network for young + old..
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in ISSUE; Monsanto Meet, Coos Bay, Or...
by Peace is real!
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Thanks Lou for sharing this link;
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
Well, if i get this right, you think i should quit blowing hot air & sign your petition? Like get involved, get active.
Afraid the warmest, heartfelt support i can muster, and some platitudinous philosophical overviews, is about all ur gonna get, from me.
Folk used point to a thousand po...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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thank you Raul,
but i also suggest we people supporting change need to be a bit clearer so our regulators work efficiently + stop knit picking issues such as this.
especially since their are so many of these manipulations due to unmindful acts or serious liars. so it comes back to peo...
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in ISSUE; information war with our minds..
by Peace is real!
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thank you CBS
see their report below + for complete see link;
A bipartisan group of senators wants President Barack Obama to seek approval from Congress if he wants to keep U...
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in We have SOLUTIONS for our ISSUES everywhere, if we work together with simple talk for all ages..
by Peace is real!
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Syria Deeply
Karen Leigh (@leighstream) – February 10, 2014
Last week, the United Nations released a report detailing the myriad abuses of Syrian children by those on each side of the conflict. Since 2011, it alleges, children as young as 11 have been recruited to fight in battle, sex...
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in a `way do_in with a bi`joy experience
by Peace is real!
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in `compost, the magic of critters being allowed to do their work:.
by Peace is real!
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`i come to talk story update...
See upcoming Premaculture Convergence at the Solar Living Institute , September 2018!
I leave this old link up for the webpage is still there, and it's food for thought and mindful acts;
An Inten...
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by Peace is real!
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by Peace is real!
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Sun, 2013-09-22 14:47 JULIE DERMANSKY
TransCanada Whistleblower Evan Vokes Details Lack of Confidence in Keystone XL
Originally published by The Progressive.
Evan Vokes never gave any thought to whistleblowers before realizing he would need to blow a shrill blast against his former emp...
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in a plan` do_in translating what the earth speaks..
by Peace is real!
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i share this with President Barack Obama to rethink + share transparency for the US participation in keystone XL/ Fast Track TPP/Free Trade/Lapsset, + others..
as well UN Sec General Ban Ki Moon whom is leading this global initiative, the Sustainable Energy For All, that invites all to pa...
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by Peace is real!
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thanks Jeff for working at this + to ensure that every state incorporates a collective mode of natural folks + organic farmers that are small scale and diversified that do not use external inputs, that know best the needs of the small farmer. so changes continue to be made in real time, thru out...
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by Peace is real!
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please see how seriously we can conserve our energy + our resources;
Fedor Konyukhov is paddling his way from Peru to Australia, you can watch his progress..
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by Peace is real!
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see ya at Port Townsend Haller Fountain at 5PM, please bring candles, kara
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by Peace is real!
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MEDIA ADVISORY; please take a review + share what you can. check for your local time for event, please!
February 3, 2014
CONTACT: kara j lincoln tel; 360-450-3749 email;
i come to talk story
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by Peace is real!
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Lucky us! to have the internet w/such great tools to prefect + work.
thank you Avaaz for giving us the opportunity to network this petition.
please see our thoughts in full before signing + Global Community come take a review + let us in US working at go figuri...
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by info-2
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Please do not reply, this email box is not monitored. To contact The White House please follow this link [ ].
You may update your subscriptions, modify your password or email address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences page [ https://me...
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by Peace is real!
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it is too bad any of us have to waste our energy on what EPA should be do_in responsibly.
not to mention the already negative effects many have already received due to this in motion..
it is just this king of foresight our students can help us w/as we all take part in restoring our local co...
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