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we welcome you to do your walkabout + please share/help build our platform, globally... we need to organize + share simple solutions that work...

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!Apr 11, 2013; 3:12pm
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considering we have been very busy defining how best to be effective
restructuring project osic, so all welcome your local students + we focus
direct together.

 to help restore all local communities, globally. share what works as we
 reflect with a global platform, making this more friendly due
to all the good simple ways we have now to share. once we organize it
will give us tools that fuel, giving us;
      efficient ways to rid our baggage, sharpen our sensors for mental clarity
+ physical strength, bring our focus to the present, be aware of early signs
within our control to change our misuse/abuse + be sensitive to all life in our
path. as we gain support to build our path as we walk it into our opening.

+ take part collectively to live local as we prioritize our local food/medicine
sovereignty. where our fresh potlucks share our smells, our stories, our harmony
as we set our self in natural wild scenic energy, not military enslavement that
steals our natural ability to feel + touch real life.

we are fortunate to have native `ways as many still `boon with the natural world
giving yet another `way to rethink + become whole as we collectively reach out
to those unable.

 we want to build this platform, to collect these stories, to trigger thought via
like ecosystem/subject. sharing options for all to create your natural community
 + restore simple respect for all life, so please join in as we work our `plan;


I`d like to share what i have offered to Michelle Obama to support
from her recent fund raising, as well Mayors for nonviolence, Ri Sol +
Kim Jong-Un + many more as i welcomed them + you to our proposed
restructuring of project osic to apply in every local community, globally.

I emailed legislators + Barack + asked them to call Kim Jong-Un, that we
should be so lucky to want him to want to speak vs. flip out. I said this
is sad day when a war mode economy has to manipulate vs. stabilize
communication as a human family. so we help people understand. especially
if US has at least 1550 or so nuclear warheads + why we should not all rid
them on this planet together. + taper into this process together for

it is sick if the planet has people manipulating wanting war for their
greed, etc. then to selectively choose people to play this mode out, if
this is what is happening from the scars on this planet. as many believe.
so if they are controlling + keeping people preoccupied in own baggage,
misuse/abuse, then that is wrong. experience from past/present holocaust,
genocides, that some people may have a plan to continue.

so be it, I don`t have that skill, I`m positive + have clarity of uniting
so gentle bells go off for collective action globally to then hold our
self/others locally + afar accountable in what ever way we each can
peacefully. inviting them to a local tapering transition, showing them good
science/financial options for locals to maintain sovereignty.

as a self made activist wanting peace, having good ideas for our project
osic proposed community restoration project, that we are presently
restructuring as we build a global org or merge, etc. to organize so we can
have a global platform to reflect with so all students can come out of
schoolroom + into + with each local community restore it`s natural enhanced
potential to build ecological sustainable working communities.

start with local introduction once technical format organized. I`m asking
Hugo at Nabble, whom I presently have a forum, if we restructure how many
posts, etc. + can we handle the globe reflecting, posting simple good
solutions, sharing a friendly process to have basic survival based on good
gauges in place like form Prof Miguel Altieri`s agro-ecology created by
indigenous working now. he knows well the corrupted world food crises. +
how we can resolve, yet his files get over ruled by others feeling they
have better answers, yields are same but his leaves no toxic effect.

same with permaculture traditions focusing on sharing different
applications for local food/medicine sovereignty, further defining/merging
these `ways best where as all life is respected.

La Via Campesina shows well as they represent the globe in many
land/seas/fresh water grabbing, injuring/killing people while they simply
come in a take over producing profits to be taken elsewhere.

so it is these early signs we can become aware of, from us focus directing
together to build natural simple communities. then to show these worn torn
links, people detail of those manipulating, unable or not wanting to comply, etc.
so we all together
continue to define + go figure collectively where needed. with these alerts available to
do. so people redirect good energy + sensitivity early on vs. feel discomfort/anxiety
unable to go figure, leaving them pissed, aggressive, delusional, etc. which is within
our human range if we do not learn our own discipline over our self-sensory observation
vs. belief that we have the power within to allow + take control defining our own center.
as we can build our foundation to intuitively draw from as we `boon with our natural world.

ridding our baggage so we fine tune our sensitivity staying within our natural limits.
vs. ride on others wave soaking up energy that is not for us, which steals from our organs,
wasting energy as it interferes producing more confused thoughts.

we can harness this + redirect fueling peace now in every community.

no more this corrupt programmed mode as ex; preparing for this perhaps fake war
staged/triggered/taking part in, etc. when yet many good people are fearful, living
in distraught inhumane conditions, while yet habitats continue to get destroyed,
while great energy + expense goes into these weapons of war..

we that can live in beautiful gardens, pooling our local resources to grow natural food
+ share story + sing with every seasonal offering, can not even imagine bringing a child
into a world where military uniforms/equipment fill the street.

+ yes it is sick to see the Koreans all do this, not to mention the wars going on elsewhere,
or the genocides enslaving more, + even here in US as we observe a drone or submarines being
transferred with such expense of high risk, resources, when yet no good community programs
in place aiding those left behind as we offer solutions now. from the much good work many have been
over worked with.

our focus to organize this global organization can calmly + efficiently support us all to rethink + act
creatively, as simple basics are built/restored/maintained from locals in every community, globally.

+ when we observe negative acts we invite them in to our tapering transition. + when we locally are
unable to resolve, we then further send out gentle bells early on to trigger those that have solutions to
then collectively offer to further define how we all can then act holding our self + others accountable
to understand we have another way + do it.


the petitions are sickening, as well legislators asking for donations, as
US gov + many others are out of control with dysfunction + perhaps these
few hundred people or so making decisions, can then be threaded to figure out.
 so as
to show them another way.

the war mode + false green economy is a time of the past if we unite in
every local community. this solution is the missing link to our economic + inner
personal decline that will fuel us to succeed beyond our imagination.
    as well the inability why so many people are + have suffered without support
to self-develop + heal, as we propose to organize project osic.

I`ve offered a lot to Barack`s fellowship + OFAmerica, from afar, as I
interacted do_in what I thought should be done to resolve calmness as I
felt others where too busy. so now as in OFAction as well my postings in UN
world we want 2015, i`m stating no longer will I do this, due to feeling
their is a more efficient way + that is working directly with people +
parallel the dysfunctions of these entities trying to organize. which i feel can better
clarify their quests.
 especiallywhen I + we all do best when we require hands on feedback in real time.

 I no longer will take part
in generalized mail outs. for I want to organize + make good science as common sense,
that has co_evolved in real time with indigenous that continue to find the way that works.
for when we `boon with our natural world it clearly shares it`s limit. + every where we can
locate these people sensitive to read this, if not bring one in from afar to trigger local folks
to then tune in.

so I appreciate your feedback + welcome how you want to merge or suggest
what can be more efficient.

I believe in transparency but only if can be researched, so good data available, clearly
to show hands on application;

     for our nero networks have too much baggage, many are trapped + need to reflect with
truth. + this is how we can gain community building tools to naturally harmonize. + hopefully
as we establish this organization we show detail, as students skillfully + inner personally reflect
with the beauty of natural balance to over ride the mess/scars effecting every local community, globally. + in this challenge, they will them self
be fueled to take part as we focus direct together, self-develop, change
curriculum to restore our communities to work within their natural enhanced
potentials. to more friendly develop self, as local prerequisites co_evolve exisiting curriculum.
with truth in real time cleaning the slates, always having a good ecological humane investment on the table for locals to further maintain local sovereignty. changing the global markets.

this platform  from us all interacting, will give all tools to choose to further one`s education. as all give  hands on with locals + afar unable to resolve.

continue to explore with friends/pen pals as you share that which has been buried deeply, yet having fuel to surface, with locals + afar. now discover as you awaken to yet another `way + travel to neighbor + together share.

   as these experiences clearly support each to walk one`s own path into one`s own opening.

+ during these travels now, gain experience in the exchange to trigger as you live as a
local do_in the same, networking via like ecosystems/subject as you take part restoring, continuing to explore this unique planet + beyond.

 so together we all work at the equality for all to become aware + also walk within nature`s limits without abuse/misuse. so all can explore this planet + beyond as we all become free to work all seasons, `boon with our natural world.

so legislators would not answer when I stated I could not support the Al Gore falseness nor Bill Gates Foundation thinking vaccines are a good investment, nor Bill + Hillary Clinton supporting Paul Kagame when UN clearly states him being a war criminal. when yet UN may log good realityin real time, but no way enforces or helps one become whole as we will offer in local tapering transitions.

so to make this short many entities are dysfunctional as back slappers succeed, + I prefer to parallel, call them on what I`ve personally experienced thru virtual tools/research/eye to eye + not let this negative
energy get in no one`s way, of this global organizing/application of good solutions now.

 I see needs to be done.

so whom can do what, can you equate to this, do you prefer to stay anonymous + not talk directly to me?? how can we do this more efficiently;

i`m a recently new US non-profit yet to fundraise due to this transition in
the building. for i`m not one to be bought. we have volunteered in exchange
all our life + lost much in 2008, so we do not have finances. Nabble give
us freely the forum + now they sell advertising to pay for it. I respect
their work but I need to get techy students aboard to set up basic
perimeters for this focus as I share above.

at the same time existing forum would be cleaned up + used as
archive. + once people share the goodness everywhere that is going on in
patches, we will find away to reach these pockets within our self long over
due to develop/rid baggage + stop allowing all this disassociated energy to
get in the way of our ability to stay present, consciously + humanely in
the moment. helping all obtain awareness to work calmly within our natural

so music fills the air not profit making drones.

so i`m busy here cleaning up my own baggage that always piles up as I try
to prioritize peace along my path. with our limited finances, we hope this
clarity of this org can finance our personal life as we continue to over
work at building this. considering in order to survive the dysfunctions from people not being responsible, the present system requires people to take them to court. this system is costly, as well can be time delaying for technical strategies to win or they think they can gamble a settlement. meanwhile this energy is taken from one along with your ability to fulfill your family needs + continued responsibilities.

many cannot survive this + haven`t. this corruption touches every category in every community, some more tortured then others in the process, some larger % then others.

so we in our combined` effect speak for many as we have done what we could along our path.

we have a plan that we are exploring personally + we hope to get resources to technically then create a good virtual tool + obtain school emails/reps for communities/+ those with none, to then welcome them. so we all collectively come aboard + be too large to fail. giving us yet triggered thoughts to rethink as we collectively live local with respect for all life locally + afar + lower our footprints.

we have tossed this idea around, thinking orgs like wiser.org may be a better tool, but we still think all tools reaching every where possible needs to be utilized + it is never too late to join in, no matter where, what condition as long as you are honest with yourself. then easily one sensitive can reflect + you will feel the aligning energy of this truth.

even if you are lost or manipulating, you will feel the energy + process where best needed to again become whole. we are an open book + our design when centered gives us equality + great self-satisfaction, fueling us to lower our footprint, respecting all life simply.

thank you for what you can offer to this.

for their is no way we can accept what is happening in every local community, from manipulative pharmaceuticals/western medicine/sanitary controllers as in Philippines that over charged the village to dump trash then to have 600 people die due to the composting of the mountain trash
falling on them - as Eve`s stories go on from v.org with her work in Congo. + global work from Congo justice, friends of Congo, Dunn + Marius in INM, Padmas` great work. + her update of Guatemala where corrupted people buy their way in or shoot bullets in the air killing villagers as they then take over fields plant + gains go elsewhere.... stories go on, La Via Campesina/Nyleni + many we can link with, shows well..

no one should be allowed to remain this inhumane/nor the illness form these scars as people are entrapped in misuse/abuse, suffering now from what happened several years ago, or even due to bad behaviors carried forward from mom + dad, grandma, etc. in their attempts to survive/develop with misuse/abuse.

     this all we can harness now + use as good fuel as we redirect, heal, + creatively go beyond a job + actually self-sustain as community partners locally, globally + seriously address high risk issues now happening that continue. + stop the waste of the so called Free trade + even some Fair trade that steals peoples humanity from inefficiently working the resources, etc.

     this we can stop in many ways that will amaze you, as students are the missing link + will be happy to leave their distraught world, they are trapped in from this org not in place. as many family members still trapped along side them, that can now walk along side as each self-develop in an exchange. as we together focus direct our human potential.

thank you for what you can do to help us make this happen... + please let
us know what we can do for you.

please remember Nabble offers a forum to us all freely + in exchange they sell advertising. so all advertising you see is not ours, nor have we looked into it to see it`s footprint, so be aware + do your own homework or ask us what/whom we suggest.

sincerely our combined` effect will make the difference, kara j lincoln