we are so happy to see so many come aboard + register..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
    lately we`ve had computer issues, but happy to say we are soon to share some simple ideas as we reach out to restructure, inviting all to take part. awaiting to hear your great feedback for us to rethink.

    the more we become aware of the global reality of pockets of peoples struggling/in aggressive acts, yet so many in patches of special collective communities with hands on with what sustains them, as they simply live local, sharing/networking/enjoying going eye to eye with music + prioritizing their local natural foods, we know well we can reach out to all, sharing what works on a platform we all can focus direct together.

   why you may ask, for those of you that don`t know us yet. because we see clearly that we can check in with our self + stop supporting the war mode + false green economies, that gain for what ever reason as people stay in conflict, once we organize a platform to share more solutions.

 so I look forward to your posts now as well once we post our proposal, reaching out to open sources/grants/community, for a way that we think will best work as we locally invite our students to do a walkabout with us, co_evolving all, yet find space + energy to celebrate along the way. filling the air with music + good natural food as we assertively build new neuro networks linking mother earth as we `boon with the natural world.. simply gaining respect for all life, aiding those in a tapering transition to rethink.

thanks again + peace be with you, kara j lincoln

  our combined` effect makes a difference..