i share what i propose to Commissioner Margaret Hamburg of US FDA on 5.17.2013..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
emailed to;

 angelahoague@fda.hhs.gov, Barack Obama <info@barackobama.com>, Barack Obama <support@barackobama.com>, Barack Obama Fellowship <PIF@ostp.gov>, Secretary General Of UN <sgcentral@un.org>, Senator Arnie Roblan <sen.arnieroblan@state.or.us>, Senator <Senator@murray.senate.gov>, Senator Jeff Merkley <Senator_Merkley@Merkley.senate.gov>, Congressman Peter DeFazio <or04ima@mail.house.gov>, citizencorps/Fema <citizencorps@dhs.gov>, Info <info@mayorsagainstillegalguns.org>, Thomas Insel Director NIMH <ti4g@nih.gov>, Susan Desmond-Hellmann <Chancellor@ucsf.edu>,

message left on Gov John Kitzhaber`s site as well for message to Senator Wyden; http://www.oregon.gov/gov/Pages/RequestAssistance.aspx,

message on http://ideas.ideascale.com + UN E-Discussion - Education for Sustainable  
Development (April 29-May17) [1] by Lal Manavado [2] : RE: [World We Want <notification@unteamworks.org> which public is welcome to take part.

Subject; Please take a review + give feedback so we may share at the local rally at Coos Bay, OR at 1pm after Memorial day parade + globally at 11, for the March Against Monsanto (MAM).


I would like to share this email to Executive Assistant Angela Hoague, to give to the Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, of the FDA of US;

Dear Margaret,

I would like you + all to take part in this above MAM Rally everywhere. so you may see what I see, especially if you come to the meets/screenings of the many you tube + videos being shown globally of events filmed with degreed professional people. fro many people are working hard to resolve these issues;

 our intent is to show we need 1 good global science that harmonizes in real time in respect for all life. which is not taking place, if you look at the people in a variety of professions seeking answers. yet to resolve simple understandings for our brain, body + each ecosystem, biome(s) that are needed to be in balance, to sustain us. due to us being a living organism. many scars are left + continue to be generated.

few ex`s, if did not hear on NPR w/John Hamilton`s programs for health, whom I would like to see you ask them to a debate that we can set up to define the missing worn torn links. so as for all local communities to enable people to work with their students, as we propose in project osic in the building,(link below can get you to that subcategory for further understanding of building good working ecological sustaining communities that harmonize. as well you can see our notes of our gatherings for the March Against Monsanto Coos Bay, OR under the next move subcategory.)

which we would like your feedback on so we may welcome all students to come out of school + into + with local communities + restore their natural enhanced potential. (enhanced created by Prof Miguel Altieri from Berkeley, that creates agro-ecology curriculum from indigenous. which after many studies can show you their positive results of similar yields yet no ill effects. yet when he sits down at the table he has gotten over ruled by others that think their science is the answer, with different values, yet leave toxic/ill effects.

we want to trigger understanding with support efficiently with our legislators + regulatory boards, as well work with all for students to stop being whip lashed along with community members;

     as bills soon to pass would easily interfere in the local 11 farms negatively (these bills are in detail on our meet pages). not to mention global effects from those countries that still as US, is not organized to show good science for simple respect. while business people + regulatory boards, that have many of these past people involved, making decisions for large business to act. yet local regulation should welcome them into a tapering transition as we create facts to show what each ecosystem is in need of on a co_evolving bases for locals to obtain fresh natural local food sovereignty. so all can rethink + now have good science understanding before they can contribute.

  leaving no one to continue to do business if it interferes in local life, as many now are showing the negative effects from fracking to GMO`s, + this list is lengthy. when yet other countries do not allow these subjects to enter their country or at least require as in GMO products to be labeled. as Senator Jeff Merkley states he will pursue, for I/he states you people at FDA have this ability yet don`t, why? this is important to understand that we all are on the same page, as a human family on this earth. we are all dependent on it to be sustainable, same with beyond without polluting.

why is it that if a science staff member does testing as I read the FDA`s reports, that you do not take a review of the local communities health status, as well it`s natural resources, which as we support this project osic, locals will have this detail as they network, awakening to good solutions as alternatives as they taper off of that which leaves negative effects + does not allow any new development unless it complies to real time assessments. as well students will be assertive in real needs + put offerings on the tables to be invested in, that restores the local enhanced potentials + co_evolve with natural changes, as well human made;

     as well define what is the cause of this ill health, lack of education, lack of awareness sharing the many good solutions that we have now to put people back to work, so we don`t fragment the science, trapping many good folks for what ever reason. for we are not into ranting rather we want to resolve.

for my work/understanding with Dr. Yun Wang in Seattle, whom is a Traditional Chinese Medical Doctor studied in Beijing, clearly can tell us how he assesses the brain body functions before he gives herbal formulas for one to regain balance + sharpen sensors, etc. in the last 40 years knowing Yun, he has worked with me helping many relieve their suffering after being mismanaged from western doctors/medicine:

    he gave me once 30 years maybe ago a herbal formula that I made into a tea to drink 3 times a day, when I expressed my feelings of discomfort. he gave me a supply which I took for 3 days + said to myself how did I allow myself to get out of balance, when these herbs can put me back, showing me the difference clearly. so I ended up over the next 10-20 years to take that tea maybe 3 times during that period when I discovered I was stressing beyond my limit. + did my best to tune into my early signs of staying within my natural limits, which is/was hard due to all that life presented to me. as I continually downsize + rid my baggage, which now we have a very good footprint.

all my life I, have been surrounded by dysfunctions, continually knowing that what I was feeling at a young age was not all their was, that I was missing something. dad would tell me at a young age, honey you know more then me so I can`t advise you. which was wrong + if I would of been more aware then at 5 or so, as I am now, I would of realized I could of then taken what I was perceiving then + interrelated it with my family. so perhaps less dysfunction would of continued. but I did not know that those thoughts in my head where something I should share/discuss/edit/create with to co_evolve as I learn`t later on as well it continues to get clearer as far as how together we can efficiently make changes + do.

I have had years of experience with family members + community of all fields/professions locally, as well half the world I`ve traveled in as we built a sailboat in Midwest. after we struggled to survive over a corporation that we had a law suit with. a bank did not stand behind the words they printed + agreed to. so we redirected + built a boat. then we trucked it on 2 semis to WA + them put it together + circumnavigated the pacific ocean to then want to come back when both family`s suffering, then to die terrible deaths, several of them.

I speak for many unable or no longer here, yet mother gave herself to science thinking she would do what ever for god to do her part. meanwhile as a person pursuing science, when yet mother would pull my hair at a very young age when I would not settle in church + I would say none of this makes sense. for when I did study others that deciphered it, never did the religious ways parallel the reality of what I saw degreed professionals doing. as they continued leaving negative effects with unresolved realities. that I later realized where wrongly instituted. nor did I think any of the religion could of efficiently resolved it then nor do I think it can now.

sadly many around me did not/could not survive these events easy. nor are they now easily, leaving many ill, many unregulated, leaving them in confusion causing more damage. so I ask you why when these science reports that come to you stating a GMO is good, etc. why do you not look at the over all effects of where produced + how it left effects on what, etc.. + I ask you all to please do this.
bring these people together that can resolve showing yet another way + let us be part. for in US we are not organized to have community define local regulation that can co_evolve with the educational facilities or legislation, not to mention in real time with the natural world. nor do they invite as project osic promotes. for each student/community to have on the cloth/table a very good sound economical mode for investment, showing how we can take industry presently that is leaving negative effects, equate understanding thru good science discovery. so all have this as common sense, to then harmonize themselves as they restore their local natural environment. for all to `boon with it. leaving no one behind.

much of this I`ve shared with many of you, as well I see FDA also has a Fellowship program which I yet to explore. but I do know as with President Barack`s, that after my experiences of submitting information from afar. it does not work for me, for I require feedback in real time, not a generalized form letter. so I still do try to share as here. but I`ve decided what is best for me is to parallel + work with people, as we continue to develop project osic. which I thought Barack`s OFA would be great to link with. but I yet to hear feedback to my requests.

for people are continually with issues + due to much of these known understandings from some, not being a normal rule of law. as each local community should prioritize their local natural resources/regulation/education/legislation, for local sovereignty etc. rather chaos is producing people unable to process within a normal human balance, due to the over load of layers, vs. simple solutions that could be understood + shared as students do their local walkabout + give hands on as we all focus direct together. I give this example in the document below that we keep updating.

which I would like to be able to post + share prior to, as well during the rally that when their is such a US/Global ranting as well clear research, of many professionals that are degreed from US + elsewhere. that I would think you would not want this type of confusion/lack of awareness to continue. for it is very energy consuming, when yet we can harness this disassociated energy + it can be used as good fuel to actually repair the problems. whereas now it is interfering in organs that are needed to do normal bodily functions. + it is this that Yun Wang is very good at. as he looks at the status of ex; kidneys, heart, lungs, that is needed in balance to produce good brain function. not to mention destroying our environments that truly are our best medicine when we `boon with it, + not interfere in it`s ability to sustain itself. yet work it so as to co_evolve our human potential.

   Yun counsels at SIOM, as well my past teacher now deceased, where I shared with many already degreed doctors. that also realized their western curriculum + experiences where not working, as he would teach herbal medicine. then to discover good results as they/we would taper off of western medicine that left harmful effects + more so if given incorrectly or for wrong time periods, etc. if you would invite me into this debate/study from afar for us all when convenient to comment thru internet, tel, etc. for we have many examples + am happy to explain more. specifically of what I feel has happened to one that has had many psychotropic drugs, which is programmed from western doctors that he is doing good. yet after his experiences of many lock ups both good + bad, that he has never yet gained balance to reflect what real good is. + due to the support he gets now at DD, which has helped some abuse/neglect with few experiences I've seen from mental health officials. as well even DD could better direct with local/state funds so as to fine tune for him to regain his normal balance;

     which I think the drugs he takes as well lack of good counseling + inability to include family in it, interferes when he tries to know himself or create his self, especially if mistake on meds made by him or Dr.. he ends up racing, then to leave professional mental staff unable to properly handle or manage, blaming others/family. as well local hospital + local mental health where not on same page, leaving more stress on patient that wanted help, as well family. so many mishaps to the equation from all parties, not just patients fault. then to leave again more stress on family to resolve which we did with the local police sharing what we could do. + then by the time we could do it, due to the delay from hospital, etc. he already then had escalated his racing leaving him then to almost cause serious ill effects on a few/self, then to have to have hand cuffs, which I would think is a terrible uncomfortable ride for hour or so.

     he should not have to choose an alternative herbal formula that leaves less side effects, as his doctors asks when we bring it up. rather as I stated to his insurance company, a person skilled with herbs as well western medicine should be in the pharmacy + which ever best to regain balance should be used. as well products leaving know negative effect should not be allowed, etc. same with growing monocultures when they destroy the life in the soil, run of of toxins as in the Midwest leaving dead zones in the gulf, etc. this list goes on. yet these products are approved from FDA + others.

so I see fragments even as on NPR today the doctor working stating the DSM is still the only most valuable tool from his perspective. for when people need help they are not really interested in neuroscience, etc. he said it differently but meant similar. yet to hear his voice he has a frequency that is calm. when yet my comment would be if we could invite these people in, is what if a not so calm person try`s to treat with this DSM Manual, which I`ve seen much of with patients.

as well it is wrong for so many resources to think still we have no medical further explanation for mental diagnoses, etc. which is wrong, due to Yun + Leon`s work as well many in these fields of science. so it is wrong to not bring these people into this discussion, + do it so we can talk via teleconference for those yet to even do computer, as Yun does not. as well Yun/others could help locals grow these gardens for their own medicines, etc. not to mention be added + required from the western medical curriculum.

as well with Dr. Leon Hammer + his associates from the Dragon Rises Oriental School in Gainsville, that in his older years is still writing. for he practiced family psychiatry for over 55 years, knowing well western medicine does not work on it`s own. so he educated himself with Oriental Medicine, then to define good results from the 2. then went on to create this school.

so good rehabs can be created/restored as ongoing links with students in research, finishing curriculum, advancing their education. so as to give hands on support for all to come to the cloth/table for a new review of a local `plan land freshwater flow to sea use review. for my local experiences everywhere I have been thru out US + other countries is that others that pursue business are assertive + do it well, only if they could have this MOU that qualifies their acts/services/products to then have this simple respect for all life. business people simply are not naturalists. nor is the world markets, which this could change both to have some good common ethics for respect for all life. including awareness of what sustains us all.

I feel the science verbiage is the most efficient process we have to cover all fields, all people in solidarity everywhere as the Free trade that promotes these businesses local + afar, + even some Fair trade is not fair. rather it interferes in locals ability to self develop either by a local misusing/abusing not aware of a behavior passed down. as many have with the many scars on this planet. as well those ecosystems being drained/depleted of natural resources due to people obtaining permits that have done this for a variety of reasons, yet they truly have no ecological sustainable awareness of the negative effects they are leaving. due to as in ex; fracking or GMOS being pursued in science fragments or products shipped back + forth around the globe, etc.

many are yet to understand the reality that no ecosystem can be segregated, rather we are all one. + our genetic bio-diversity needs to link for us to co_evolve as a human species, not to mention for our simple good health. our micro/large browser trans boundary migrations are being interfered with locally + unable to link globally, same with our human family.

people are being land/sea/freshwater robbed from people coming in from afar as well locals, that simply do not get permissions or gov is corrupt + has no good policies backed by good science so all regulatory boards + people making them, are of a democratic mindset, not just for the people but for healthy people. their is a big difference.

   our mother earth is abused + continues while us mothers feel the pain.

so please lets invite these people into a discussion to resolve as we welcome the students on this platform that can exist so every community member understands + takes part. so those above as well these below + more come together where necessary for students to take part to thread + define these tallies to restore their community.

     + as in our proposal for project osic, we find it to give exponential results, so as we come together to start this process we then can restructure a good international organization to share this platform, for our natural world, which I've offered to UN, yet to hear. as like ecosystems/subject then can be reviewed, added to, to then trigger all to rethink + do their own homework to then define with the local community. as all take off their hats, yet all bring their sensitivities/skills to this platform, that they create. then locally maintain to self-sustain, so as the natural world sustains itself + is worked sensitively within it`s limits by locals..

now collectively we can define what is missing + do exchanges, where when yet people are without basics to live comfortably + resolve.

which I propose another way, based on Miguel`s agro_ecology gauges, etc. as well the many artful sciences created as in from working with traditional indigenous that has co_evolved due to it still working as in permaculture, etc. + our science verbiage needs to include these results. not just stay fragmented, rather holistically we have solutions + it is inefficient to cover our mindbody simply. as being one with our natural environment in balance as our best medicine.

Dr. Mirishita`s work long ago on the green movement, actually got supported from US congress yet now it has faded, + you cannot even find it, as he was very clear of hyper children/cancers being caused from contaminated blood, as he discovered in his research with tadpoles. + had very good results with treating cancers with natural foods. as well Oriental medicine looks not at cancer but what the body needs + can change it if caught early enough. if not at least can prevent suffering.

how well I remember how many have suffered that where over loaded with so much medicine, body filled with cancers, meanwhile they had gone continually to vets hospital as well other doctors for many tests yet never discovered. then to leave them dyeing with their flesh falling apart as I write of this on forum, link below. but need to add to it.

     I witnessed as a young unaware person when they where constipated or stomach so upset vomiting occurred for months, or diarrhea yet doctors would say nothing could be done. when yet now I`ve learned to say to them please tell patient you have quit studying when they fail to realize the drugs given could be tapered off of + into herbal formulas to stop the distress, not to mention many that have been unsupported to get this far, should have the right to die.

in my experiences in the ER + intensive care of a few, as well a recent Fellowship person I met that is going to do this at SF hospital, said it was amazing, + I know well being in the intensive care for several days that I could not even talk to the doctors easily, for they where not on the same page. + this person wanting to do fellowship states that doctors take students to the door + talk with computers, rarely touching/listening/smelling, etc. to patient.

their are several heart shaking experiences that I could share. but lets go on + resolve + stop more from this suffering as people can learn the early signs + sensitivity as well machines can become much more accurate or rid. I would like to be part of choosing some of these people as in:  

    Windbridge can be another group to add to this study, as they use equipment + people to communicate with the dead, which I once studied this subject from others briefly + then left due to it not making sense. + I have my perspective on that, but yet to share with these folks that have interesting work, the little I saw, due to feeling our community building project for the living is more important for me now. but I do think it all has retrospect + should be included. for they have some incredible experiences + I continue with my liking of ex;

the scientist that worked at the gene that supposedly is in the air that allows our thoughts to be transferred, so sadly I wanted physics understanding back early on but as a child struggling feeling sorry for my parents I left home early on + went to work, then to find my natural instincts or hormonal imbalance as some say that desire you to want a child, I ended up having 2, then to be left alone + more. so I do my best to co_evolve + stay real with myself + ask you all to check in along the way as well. for many of you have a lot of resources.

so I must bring this up with the issue at hand these last few days. for I also had much lengthy difficulty getting a US 501.c3 non profit status. to do as I say with our ideas of community building sharing awareness. on a global platform for locals to share, reflect a friendlier way, etc. but I also was honest with each person that was very real to me at IRS. they stated the dysfunctions of the IRS + apologized + I did what I could to respect our human family thru all this, + work together, doing my part;

   I`ve had it now for a few years + yet to fund raise due to the uncovering of my desire to restructure to see how we could merge or co_evolve. but we have worked over 30 years voluntarily paying for it on our own until our 2008 bank foolishness that we allowed ourselves to get trapped in.

so Barack for you to blame IRS as you do, I only hear fragments but do please remember all that I have gone thru, that I have tried to share with you. for you appear to be giving a message that may not include all reality?? in your attempt possibly from my limited perspective.  when yet I cannot say due to not having all detail in front of me, accept for how hard I worked for several years. for the first time I applied IRS lost my application, etc. then second time I was misinformed + did what I was told yet it was wrong, so i`m persistent + stayed with it + still will. but many can`t + haven`t.

so in defining some basics for our brain + body can then help us as humans with respect for the life that lives on us, in us, + what we are all interdependent on, that is being fragmented in as ex;

       the many industries allowed to do their science as in GMO or developing interfering/leaving ill effects on life + you give them ok. That hopefully can be simplified + stopped, with instant results, if we come together on these issues or let this trigger more now to share good science. so locals also regulate permits differently co_evolving MOU`s. as links are alive with community:

      for some products/policies to stop + others be tapered off, etc. as well better managed care for many that only exist, you cannot even call them alive. but yet we can make them more comfortable, if fortunate not to of died prematurely as children + frail are so sensitive.

I choose to continue my work for their is no way I can imagine my beautiful grandchildren/children from all, to even add this dysfunction into their life. when yet some are so fortunate, as with many beautiful people that homeschool. raising some very awesome beings, at such an early age as they don`t talk above them they talk with them + all participate.. meanwhile Sunset Middle School here locally in North Bend, teacher last year told me it is very hard to work with them when they are hungry, etc.

every child, every student, every undeveloped student in an adult body deserves to become aware ASAP, as we all are needed to take part to make this happen. not to mention it goes well beyond restoring a job, it enriches our life. Plus all has much to offer if we open that channels + let them restore themselves + their community as we focus direct together..

to stay current I decided to use these folks, I heard this am on NPR, whom we would ask with your support. to see if they can help us choose this group of people to further define 1 good science as we all then can reach out to whom we can apply most efficiently;

    Thomas Insel, Director of National Institute of Mental Health, research domain criteria emphasizes basic function in the brain.

    Susan Desmond-Hellman, oncologist + Chandler of the University of SF, whom is working at precision medicine to classify disease in a way that indicates what truly causes the problem.

as well those above can help teach, manage + prevent further suffering. especially if insurance would cover herbal formulas/oriental/alternative medicine + yes have this constructed by those above with skills to redefine this path.

for our ideas is to end this war mode + false green economy with this understanding, n ot just label GMO`s, rather stop them from being developed as is.. for US should be able to function in harmony, not requiring war, as we now are in I think 64 countries in a war mode. not to mention the national priorities as in the nuclear repository decisions yet to be made from the cold war, come on. as I see many native Indians in Canada having extreme difficulty with that. which we should reach out with all neighbors in our results here.

many priorities are not in order to simply resolve + need every ones attention. many issues presently continue, as in past, + consumes good energy that can be harnessed as I state. + together we can make peace for all if we share what works, harmony can happen if we do our homework + help collectively. to see that all can be offered a good education + we feel for students to take + give hands on locally as they co_evolve their curriculum, to restore their community + become a global + beyond participant. so we can do better.

for many hospitals, even her locally, I got several reports of nurses being too mean + patients/family + students locally are very bothered. I know well when mom died + the nurse came + shock her hard telling me to look she is not what is normal + cannot be. meanwhile I had been communicating with her thru her feet, they had repositioned her wrongly with a L7 slip disk + this list goes on as her doctor was not even going to treat her if she continued with herbs + wanted me to stop the discussion.

meanwhile she was so incomplete/overworked?? as well others, that I responded to them in a number of ways, from turning a doctor into insurance for interfering in her ability to develop herself as he accused me wrongly. + then when I asked his prior employer/doctor about him, he said when he told him the same he punched him in the mouth. as well to actually taking mother out against Dr`s. will as well she did. + sadly those that left good imprints from when she was so close many times to die, the doctor then did not harmonize with the machines or others failing to be as sensitive + good, again to leave negative effects.

students in every field can come together + help this clarity as they fine tune these worn torn threads, if we speak nature`s language staying within real limits..

as I look at your face commissioner as well Bill Gates recently, I much look forward to sharing how I perceive energy differential from each eye, + I continue to study + look forward with skilled sensitive people to work on this idea of how it can show lack of balance with work over load + the effects left on oneself + others, thru misuse/abuse. as well as I self-reflect in my long search to define as a child as I did, then to define over a longer period how to make this community project with simple talk so our virtual tool can be worked. by skilled sensitive people to create + merge this platform with all, so as to simply share the good solutions we have now as we share this earth + beyond..

  we are an open book + we can learn how simple life can be if we live within our skins limits, which should beam + reflect a nice equal energy from both eyes.

now we all can have the local opportunity to gain understanding to `boon with the natural world, heal + take part as we restore good working communities, for all to become a responsible local, global + beyond participant. we are fortunate to have old + new ways to go figure.

I appreciate feedback so we may calm the air + share with people now + at MAM rally showing some reality of what is being done or can, as well your feedback to this proposal.

sincerely, I look forward to hearing from you all.

 thank you,

 kara j lincoln  

please note we continue to update this document, that we have shared to many already. to give some insight of the simple solutions we have now to share. so please read top half of it or all if yet to review;

this document has been emailed to these people above along with sharing this proposal with US Commissioner of FDA for all to take part...

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Re: i share what i propose to Commissioner Margaret Hamburg of US FDA on 5.17.2013..


Busy Few Days for Biotech Food Watchers

By Patty Lovera

 Read the report, “Monsanto: A Corporate Profile”

If you’re following what Monsanto’s up to these days, it’s a truly mixed bag. Today, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that a farmer had infringed on Monsanto’s patent by saving biotech seeds and replanting them. The farmer, Vernon Hugh Bowman, was ordered to pay Monsanto $84,000. Thus, Monsanto’s bullying of farmers who don’t play by their rules continues.

The good news? Last Friday, the USDA announced that it would be doing environmental impact statements for crops tolerant to dicamba and 2,4-D—the chemical that Monsanto and Dow, respectively, are seeking to commercialize to deal with superweeds that have evolved to become tolerant of applications of Roundup. The industry currently estimates that at least 60 million acres of crops are now resistant to at least one herbicide.

This more rigorous review of the chemicals is good news and shows that the USDA can be pressured to do the right thing if enough people speak up.

The USDA received over 400,000 petitions against Dow’s applications to deregulate 2,4-D corn and soybeans, and 500 individual comments and 31,000 letters on Monsanto’s petition to deregulate dicamba-tolerant soybeans and cotton. Food & Water Watch supporters submitted more than 50,000 comments opposing the approval of these crops.

This delay in commercialization is a victory for people concerned about industrial agriculture. So far, the Department has failed to address the critical need for a new approach to evaluating biotech crops and the chemical use that accompanies them. To fully address all of the environmental impacts of crops engineered to withstand applications of harsher herbicides, USDA must also review the evolution of superweeds that become resistant in droves to any and all herbicides matched with these biotech crops and the danger posed to the environment, farmer and farm worker health and neighboring crops that could be damaged by drift.

Finally, stay tuned tomorrow for the release of our new report that analyzes State Department diplomatic cables between 2005 and 2009. You’ll be interested to see how many times the name Monsanto comes up in official State Department communications about biotech crops.
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story