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Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!Feb 21, 2013; 6:29pm
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thank you my friend Dunn Wogu-owa Eggink
 as you share this + many postings;

Traditional Leader Gilbert Chingee of the Tsek'ehne Nation has announced that they are Asserting their Inherent Sovereignty of their Traditional Territory to the Canadian Government. This Action must be taken due to the "Crimes Against Humanity" and "Genocide" that has and continues to take place within Our Nation. Harper must ask for permission to enter into Our Lands. We will only work with the Canadian Government on a Nation to Nation Basis.

 "Any companies on Our Lands will have to deal directly through Us. Any potential Industry MUST gain permission and work directly through the Tsek'ehne Nation. The Government of Canada has done enough serious damage and pain to My Peoples and it has to stop now. I ask the World to support My People in this." - Chief Gilbert Chingee, Tsekene Nation

end of this foolishness + begin living..

our combined` effect states;

  Barack as a brother we ask you to support our neighbors in their decision. + as President of the US we ask you to responsibly hold all associates/legislators accountable to respect the equality for all life locally + beyond. which is presently being manipulated by disassociated energy that contains a lot of waste + consumption that is interfering in our ability to keep life simple.

  please support our project osic in the building so we can reach out exponentially for we have way to many solutions to yet leave so much + so many in conflict simply unaware of their inner tools + our abilites we all can obtain if we simply have the opportunity + support to self-develop our natural potential. as we collectively create + restore rehabs to support those unable for short + long term..

this hypocritical science that is being allowed to fragment, is debilitating, as the natural elements that sustain us are continually being abused. all can be over rided with good science that threads these worn torn manipulated links. we can as we propose with project osic in the building have students aid us all in every local community, if all simply become aware as we focus direct together walking by their side.

  as all share tallies as we define via networking.. to enhance + reflect with the sensitive already do_in locally, with natural solutions.. for every community to enhance it`s natural limits, to restore it`s potential. as with Prof Miguel Altieri`s gauges of agro_ecology lets review a few important factors he offers;




 we can support our local students to co_evolve themself, along with us, as we together restore our local communities... along with restoring the local curriculum accordingly to let it continue to co_evolve in real time. this then can build new neuro networks for us to regain true natural living that sustains our life + all species, leaving no one left behind.

  for we all are left in every local commuity with devastating illness, waste + continued developement that should be stopped asap in a local tapering transition process. + we need skilled people to guide us on how best to do this via like ecosystem/subject.

   we personally have seen schemetics to easily build yourself, within a few thousands of dollars, such as a water desalinator that can be cooperatively built + maintained. so to think as in Africa to now not have water, not to mention it`s decline by 2020 is obsurd. we are not talking about the large dams + developement of desalinization, rather we are talking about local communities merging to see how they can efficiently do this now. as we pipe this in from the ocean + start greening the deserts, + rethinking the rain catchments/natural construction, even relocating our locations to live sustainably.

   many of us have much more potential  

                vs being limited as many starving now without water + basics.. we just need to calmly start do_in our homework + stop doing what is enslaving us that gets in our `way + come together. have your local potluck as you lay out your thoughts + listen to others, see what you come up with.. take a look at the wiserearth.org + lets start linking to more easily understand + rid our needs + share our offerings locally...

we have many options now to restore our natural enhanced limits. people locally can do this as sensitive folks simply give respect for all life. we don't need others to bring in or control us, rather we can work together via like ecosystem/subject networking, bring home what we locals can do to maintain local sovereignty. it is unwise to allow people/bus/govs to exploit our natural world on earth as well leave such waste + abuse beyond. we must pool our resources, give hands on to those in need, while we do our local `plan land/freshwater flow to sea use review.

      this is what we all must do, rethink, yet don`t let the universal energy that is free to us all, be prevented from coming thru as you wisely bring together your sisters, brothers + children from all sides. so we all can become aware of our inner tools. to then work within a tapering transition that is within natures enhanced potential. to help people rethink by sharing the facts that are students can gather. leaving no one, no life, left behind..

      for many times our quick judgments may isolate us.

may peace be with your decisions, it is our option if we share what works. + i`m happy for you to all lay out what is important on your cloth/table. for truely we as a human species is not designed to totally think for another able being, so when we do it together, holding our own, then we all come together to build our local community for all to become a local, global + beyond participant.

     your fact finding we await to then better hold ourself + our legislators accountable to aid what is right for our neighbors.. considering we still work for them to be responsible locally which many are not, but many of us are working at it, so we welcome you to do the same. life is motion + we can flow in harmony, so please accept nothing less..

the most efficient `way is to have all come back to theri local communities + sit eye to eye + responsibly come together as in a `way potluck. let our local grown natural food be our best guide showing us how already many have no food, let alone healthy natural medicine due to our natural environments being polluted from the irresponsible acts from us all at one time or the other.

     which now we have many scars/lessons on our earth + beyond + it is only an unwise person that continues to abuse when we as a global commuity can establish networking of good gauges for our local restoration of our natural enhanced limits.

so we welcome all that share these bi`joy stories of how we do this + propose to further develop this network + reach out so all welcome their students to come together with equality so all can develope the undeveloped child within that continues to leave footprints.

   we welcome you to explore wiserearth.org for it is time to efficently link for this peace movement, for we areIDLE NO MORE, rather we can responsibly calmly act with our international community...

   we have many natural communities that simply live willing to share what works, yet sadly in patches` while yet many of us are lost in pockets` without..

   we can make these transitions much more friendly...

          our combined effect` makes a difference.. so please have your local commuity representitive in your interchangable role, come share your story with us...

                it is time for us to go figure + we can do it much more efficiently by merging responsibly...

  we have asked several of you to rethink this + merge or we merge with you, yet no response, so we are exploring wiserearth.org whom appears to have the humane consciousness + desire to share as we do globally. to make the process of building our local communities more efficient as we gain harmony, as well the technological platform for us all to make this process more friendly to reach out collectively for those presently without.

       for we refuse to just give dollars to further waste + consumption with many fragmented dysfunctions that our project osic proposed could resolve asap. if each of you go back as a responsible local community participant + work with your families/friends/neighbors/local schools + walk by your childrens side as you admit your truth + allow them to do the same, as they network, bringing home ideas to trigger what works locally via like ecosystem/subject.

   we know each of you within your natural ability can make a difference now... + as we do this walkabout together with ethical consciousness + co_evolve with the reflections we are fortunate to have from the many people simply do_in, we know we can more friendly rid our baggage that is preventing us to be present in our moment... to consciously also act as we define how best to do a tapering transition with ourself + others leaving negative effects.

                please do what you can comfortably, as you personalize your walkabout + share project osic as you help us focus direct it... share your resources + links so we can easily connect personally with our desires in Africa, Asia + South america + pursue working with water desalinization on a local level, not to mention `ways to lower our amps + simply construct small/medium alternative energy as supplements to good natural simple living as we link with those do_in + network...

                for we have appreciated every one of you + know if we pool our thoughts we can do this most efficiently. + feel their is a better `way to aid those left behind, plus not move 5 steps forward with continued development that is unhealthy leaving footprints, then to use 8 steps to rid + rethink it... for many have no steps left at all. + we certainly have no future for our children unless we deal with reality now with them, as we walk with each other bringing ourselves present in the moment + responsibly become a local, global + beyond participant...

  please share, + thank you for your ongoing support...

             sincerely, kara j lincoln speaking for our combined` effect...