Please folks, their is so much unfinished business left as Monsanto continues to abuse, why are legislators not acting responsibly??

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Scott McAllister lost everything -- his farm, his home, his savings. The stress attacked his heart, on top of the Parkinson's disease he already had. All because of one giant corporation: Monsanto.

 Every year, Monsanto uses a team of 75 lawyers to attack food safety and small farmers like Scott.[1] Most farmers' only "crime"? Reusing seeds from the year before. And now this greedy corporation -- the maker of Agent Orange, no less -- is demanding Washington pass the Monsanto Protection Act. This bill would effectively block folks like you and me from suing them if their unregulated GMO foods make us sick.[2]

 Over 2 million people from across the globe have spoken out against genetically modified seeds (GMOs) and Monsanto's dirty tactics.[3] Will you join this powerful grassroots movement and tell our government to put our health and environment before Monsanto's corporate profits?

Tell Sen. Cantwell and Sen. Murray that no corporation is above the law. Together, we can raise 50,000 SierraRise voices against the Monsanto Protection Act by Monday!

Monsanto is a ruthless company that will stop at nothing to stay on top, even if it means destroying family farmers and selling toxic chemicals. It's little surprise, then, that they would get an anonymous congressman to introduce their bill for them, with no debate and no transparency.

Monsanto has a deadly history. They're the producer of chemicals so toxic they are known by name alone: killers like Agent Orange, DDT, and PCBs. Now, Monsanto is looking to dominate our food system with genetically modified seeds -- even though a study found their corn seeds caused cancer in lab rats.[4]

Is this really a corporation we can trust with the food we give our families and put in school lunches?

Tell the Senate to put public health above Monsanto's profits by stopping the Monsanto Protection Act today!

 Our nation's process for confirming the safety of GMO foods is already too weak -- requiring little review and fraught with industry influence. If passed, the Monsanto Protection Act will only make things worse, temporarily stripping our courts of the power to stop Monsanto from selling GMO seeds recently found to be potentially dangerous. [5,6]

 Monsanto is the biggest bully in agri-business. It is clear from their tactics that they value their corporate profit over the safety of our food, our environment, and our nation's farmers.

 It is time to take a stand against Monsanto and tell our leaders that the people come before corporate bottom lines. Tell your senators to stop the Monsanto Protection Act now!

 In it together,

 Ashley Allison
 SierraRise Senior Campaigner

 P.S. Want to keep up with the latest about Monsanto and other campaigns from SierraRise? Like us on Facebook!

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 [1] Cesca, Bob (2010 March 8). "Monsanto watch: Targeting American farmers with lawyers, fear and money." Daily Finance.

 [2] Grim, Ryan (2013 September 11)."House Republicans Push To Include Monsanto Protection Act In New Spending Bill." Huffington Post.

 [3] AP staff (2013 May 26). "Up to 2 million march against Monsanto." Salon.

 [4] Goldstein, Katherine and Gazelle Emami (2010 March 18). "Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals." Huffington Post.

 [5] Snopes staff (2013 September 13). "Monsanto Protection Act." Snopes.

 [6] Rivas, Anthony (2013 September 13). "Monsanto Protection Act' Extended By House Republicans For Another 3 Months; Food Advocacy Groups Decry Legislation." Medical Daily.