Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Please share this + review it all. Sorry for errors but we continue to work w/limitations + ask for your donations.

   We release this now for all to fit your deadlines in acting mindfully. + Please see the video of Quietly Into Disaster at www.Quietly-Into-Disaster.com + see how we add others work to bring it up to date w/more sad news.

Thank you for what you can do + please contact me if i can explain further, kara!

Please review our work adding your link on our spreadsheet or contact me directly. We ask for your support to do what works, as well donations for us to perfect our work + to reach out to all to live local, globally.

   We are reaching out w/a Google Adgrant as a US 501.c3 non profit, today`s total ads shown since Feb sharing our work, is 2,035,452.

   As good is this is, we need donations to gain proper work conditions, good example i just lost a nice post due to internet going down as i went to send this. You would think i would learn to save it wouldn`t you! Bucket!

  Barack we need your help + everyone if we all are to survive this global health crises from people prioritizing profits over ecological sustainable sound science, that can be made w/1 Global verbiage, so all on same page.

   It just so happens President Barack Obama is answering questions on Twitter right now, so here goes guy + you do have some explaining to do, for i know how much of this i have given you over time + NO excuse to still prioritize profit over ecological soundness, if in fact the TPP is doing just that. But for here now we are addressing Nuclear Contamination;

       You talk about bucket, well this is a big time issue that faces us all + needs our priority focus along w/resources from all. + You people in responsible roles have consumed a lot of resources that should of gone toward the research + disposal of this waste. Not allow it to go into other products like to Iraq in bullets, etc. + What are you going to do about it? We need truth, research, transparence + all resources focused as we end all Nuclear fissionable material as well research to rid waste. As well End all Arms Industries for weapons of war. As well stop all large grids/distribution w/large wires as we all can naturally build w/ecological priority w/localized systems of low impact.

    Are you all going to be part of the continued problem w/codependency as people pull the strings or are you going to mindfully act, supporting all to learn early signs to maintain discipline over ones self sensory observations vs belief causing misuse/abuse. So all can efficiently deal w/this problem now?

    Our suggestions, we add here, so please share, for as Dr. Caldicott says it is not over until we are, so don't give up + Barack we ask for your answer to our review + please share w/all Govs/UN/Geneve + people that can go beyond priorities of profit + mindfully act ASAP;


         People we have the tools of the times to act. Thank you Nabble, LibreOffice + Google!

   Do your homework, see what others are do_in to be efficient w/consumption so as to have mental space to support research for the Nuclear contamination solutions.

    Did you see the swiss working at foil for windows + roofs, that supposedly sustain all of ones needs. i yet to find, or these guys link below. Point is all must say NO to those profiting over our ecological soundness + welcome them into your local tapering transition, showing them how they are destroying what sustains all life + work for transparency + research to resolve these serious priority issues in every community.

     Together we can go figure, those unable to comprehend one subject pursue another to help out, Ex; talk to them help make it better when people focus cheaply to recycle w/in nature`s enhanced limits + also talk to those abusing it. But remember do not make any long term plans until you + your family along w/your community get real prioritizing what globally + locally affect you locally.

   Ex; some can explore alternative natural building, start accumulating what others are do_in very well as they live simply in respect to all life. Gather options as w/alternative energy only once downscale + working w/local `plan, reviewing entire biome(s) w/neighbors, leaving co_dependencies of toxic modes, etc. Allow No distribution energy systems on large scale, especially when Ex; Senator Merkley has not responded to any nuclear material i have sent him or any other legislator/President. So the large energy farms also are not taking into consideration the negative effects of this Nuclear contamination reality. But don`t stop researching + organizing your self reliance + do welcome all in, for we want all to come around to work w/transparency. See what others are do_in + keep it simple, while others work on more complicated issues, then all share together as students focus with you, networking;



   How about create a song/inspire some rethinking, w/mindful fun even, help direct children slowly into natural awareness to live w/realities or move on to southern hemisphere + help from their, define those that have not sold out using sound science + please tell them we want to support them for research;


   Thank you for what you can do! Our combined `effect makes a difference! + Do check back for updates. + Please add them as well.

 love us at ictts.org, thanks Fritz + all of you that support us!



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Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..

This post was updated on .
 7.16.2015 My emails to legislators; Wyden, Merkley, DeFazio, please see + do your own.

Gentlemen, please note the email to Barack Obama + i would like to address it to you as well. + If he did not get this message thru OFA, please share w/him + all in responsible positions, globally;

          Emailed 7.15.2015 To President Barack Obama;

                        Barack, please note i would appreciate discussing the nuclear contamination issue in the northern hemisphere w/you or a personnel you designate.

The science is quite distraught as it differs from what is capable, as we can create/research this issue, creating a sound science globally to be understood by all tongues..

Our students curriculum appears to be overly regulated not allowing this issue, nor the ability for us to work in our proposed project to fuel thought as we suggested for students to orchestrate a local `plan,  for it interferes, as they use their community as an extended classroom. Creating a tapering transition, which i have asked of this many times, yet got no answer for your support.

   This way those that exceed this enhanced natural ability can understand the science that it exceeded, not to mention got permitted, etc. wrongly + still is at fault + should be stopped ASAP. + Communities can restore ones ecological sustainable working community, co_evolving the curriculum along the way, once research is given to prioritize in each community, these issues globally that affect each or the priorities that do.

   We as a US 501 cs non profit yet to receive funds have reached out to many locally + afar. + Many teachers like our ideas but feel very pressured from existing curriculum.

Not to mention the science they learn vs. the science used by Corporations is not the same, nor the whole standards for the nuclear contamination issue US is facing as well the northern hemisphere. Due to secrecy + lack of transparency as it appears in all my studies that US Regulatory Systems are not professionally monitoring which is quite expensive + should.

     For i'm telling mamas w/young + frail to also ask of this to be done, not to mention collectively buy a Geiger meter + use it for detecting changes only. + Test when it rains, in dust, pollen, soil, food + water. + Those days radiation is hot then to make changes. Not to mention a fetus, pregnant mother, child + frail are much more in need of knowing this truth, so as to relocate or take shelter the right way or continue to collect more radiation + become ill as many are.

Tokyo is showing radiation in house dust + on children`s shoes, from Fukushimi Dachii plant that is still bleeding into the Pacific Ocean + Woods Hole predictions are off by 29%. Yet the Japanese Gov claims to not tell the people even when family ill, nor allow doctors to tell them.

    This is wrong, as well allowing anyone globally including the US to have a nuclear plant, due to them leaking, as well waste not properly researched to rid for the long term, let alone use depleted uranium for weapons/products, etc. when yet it is not depleted. US Gov/Govs globally should stop all use of nuclear fissionable material due to having no answers to rid the waste, nor heal the ill contaminated, as the winds/currents continue moving it around the northern hemisphere/air/water/sea/soil, food, etc. collecting more as the products produced/nuclear plants/weapons/military installation, is leaving more contamination from the waste as well mismanaged tools, that should end..

  I have a lot of data to back what i say as well recent research reports.

Please answer this issue, we the people deserve to take part in attempting to transmute, gather research + do what can to prevent more deaths/stillbirths/deformed babies/contamination carried forward to future generations, etc.

Research is needed to do all this + we ask for your support, or please let it be known it will be on your watch that this is happening. + As many movements now are forming together to act mindfully, truth will be told to all.

I've sent to you in past links to material + if need more i am happy to work with you to resolve these issues, that many cannot.

Thank you for taking this review + i await your answer, so that in my networking i can inform people of your participation.

Google has given us a Adword grant + to date they have shown over 2,525,870 (update 7.16.2015 = 2,594,319) plus ads to help us get support to resolve these issues, for we have many good solution oriented options to help fuel people, to make the process of living local more friendly as together we network via a virtual tool platform, leaving no more any one left behind.

  We can all live local, globally supporting in solidarity, what works/what doesn't. + We thought we had your support, yet you fail to address us truthfully w/what we ask here, so please rethink + work w/us.

For w/donations we will perfect our structure, giving us better tools to reach out to all, considering we give a lot freely to many unable.

I await your response, thank you, kara j lincoln
Thank you for your patience,

    Still working w/Google, non profit/Ed Apps, to use their good tools.
 I welcome you to come link w/the sun will set page so please take part + donate in ways most comfortable to you.

 I`m here for you willing to do an exchange, if you want to help us reach out..

    come talk


 Peace, kara + mishi

End email to OFA for Barack.

  This comment continued;

  We have solutions + need to work together, for many in your public schools are left behind.

  When yet w/your support of our project, we can perfect it so your students orchestrate as they network, using ones community as an extended classroom.

  So together we face these global issues facing us all, knowing well the priorities in need for each community.

  SO all share the process of living local more friendly, globally. So all restore ones ecological sustainable working community, leaving no one left behind as all school types work together for ones community.

  Co_evolving the curriculum to stay in real time w/sound science as globally all speak for the earth + beyond to sustain us all, as each community comes together in a tapering transition, understandign that which has been permitted wrongly, that haas exceeded/exceeds the enhanced allowable local natural rule of law.

 So together all can heal, prepare + redirect research for each communities priorities, w/transparency + no more secrecy which is happening now w/the nuclear contamination in the northern hemisphere.

Please see this link of work that explains more detail + i am happy to explain more. For again i offer when yet you have never responded to this issue + Oregonians + the world are awaiting skilled people to address this, monitor it + support all to prevent this devastation that continnues + you people allow it to be permitted as nuclear plants continue to work mismanaged + nuclear weapons still on high alert at a huge safety risk, weapons of war continue to be produced, nuclear waste has no means to rid properly so it stops contaminating more + many are ill untreated, as well those most vulnerable are not being told. Not to mention this subject is not in the classroom.

  So i ask for your response to these issues please, so all know how better to mindfully act on own.

Email to President barack Obama directed also to you people;

  Please see the link above for further detail of our work + many.

I do hope the US Gov works w/our human family as w/Iran + the world to come together to help research this serious problem many face in the northern hemisphere.

  We ask for you to please share this w/all in Gov, so each can ask oneself of the effects each is leaving on ones watch, for we hold you all accountable. + Ask that all nuclear plants be stopped due to the health risk they leave/have left, without any proper regulation to stop Corporations from prioritizing profits over safety. + Arnie Gundersen gives names + detail.

 As well we ask that research is prioritized simultaneously to rid the waste properly for all life on earth + beyond to not be affected negatively, as it has left many dead/dieing/ill + not cared for as my friend Dr. Yun Wang can care for giving them comfort, even if w/deadly disease.

  I ask you to involve the veterans hospitals into a training program of doctors to enable patients to have all that can be offered, which presently is not happening. As i see many w/PTSS, not to mention heavily drugged + very dangerous effects on organs, not to mention their mental statis, as well body w/broken parts leaving much pain + medicated wrong, etc.

  I ask, speaking for many that all weapons of war be stopped globally + no more production of any use of nuclear fissionable materials or any weapons of war.

  This is your watch + many are rewriting history showing detail of how wrong it has been, bringing people up to the future.

   We welcome you to work w/your students by your side helping to resolve this terrible disaster, as we focus direct w/communities, harnessing this disassociated energy, all have taken part in blindly + redirect resources immediately for research + let us take part to fuel the process, creating one global sound science that all tongues can understand, as we prioritize what sustains life on earth now w/all the contamination that continues to build via the wind/dust/pollens/soil/food/water/currents, breaking up yet to more contamination w/everything the radiation touches or touched from the beginning. When yet this nuclear fissionable material should never of been used, nor continue, considering humanity has no way to rid it.

   That is bad science + we must stop it from continuing. As we can use the natural rule of law that sound science knows well as humanity builds it daily in our chores. Once understood that we can w/love + gratitude build new neural networks. + Our suggestion that we fuel is to support students to focus direct w/their staff + community, starting w/ a simple natural local grown, wild food/fish/animal potluck, showing the realities of the damage that regulators are allowing to continue, as GMOs/products that harm are continually marketed, making our children + frail ill.

  Their is no better way to heal + help people take part + understand then to start w/what is familiar as w/our food. + With the many local options/global biocultural solutions, this fuels us to address now these issues + on our Google page www.ictts.org, we suggest how best to do this working w/students + communities, leaving no one left behind.

  We the people will not accept anything less, for this is a delusional reality thinking one country could release a nuclear bomb, yet not effect our earth or not realize the continued stockpiling of nuclear waste + use of weapons does not further contaminate even possibly your children now.

   As i write to Barack, directing this to you now, we ask for professional nuclear radiation testing to be done the right way + give us transparency of high risk that many now are subjected too.

 Please see the video `Quietly Into Disaster in the link i give you w/follow up detail of present status of Fukushimi Dachii plant`s effect 300 miles away as well how it continues to bleed into the Pacific ocean, yet transparency nor US Gov support is being done to stop the lies + help the Japanese people living in nuclear radiation contamination.

  I cannot believe how you people have not responded mindfully yet.

We look forward to your support for our US 501 .cs non profit- i come to talk story, as we give a over view of fuleing students on www.ictts.org

We await your response to post or please do in this link below.

Our combined `effect makes a difference..

Peace, kara j lincoln
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Peace is real!
     As we move forward, we would like to have your feedback on making this platform work, including our Google spreadsheet + tools once we gain more support. For we want to know what we are missing + have real difficulty trying to understand why people are not willing to see this happen?? For we continue to research + do updates. So please check back.

   Some experts actually feel we have a social parasitic problem, even within our own bodies that prevents us from working together to resolve peace. I feel the information to me has been so hard, as we have worked for years on making this friendly, for we as the human species is not meant to work at these unnatural issues. But we do not give up where many others failed, rather we know the beauty of humanity + we have the tools of the times w/Nabble + Google`s help, along w/LibreOffice, + will not give up. We refuse to accept such dysfunction + want to welcome all to understand, as we continue to fuel you to rethink + come link where best. + Then working w/students come network, fueling others to do the same.

     Please see our email reach out in my desire to personally catch up, for i refuse to live w/so many emails taking up energy of the ethers, as i continue to lower my footprint.  See this link for another update;


+ Please see below this issue that needs everyone's attention, to be put high on your priority list as well, thank you + i look forward to your feedback + support, kara;

     Hello Everyone!

  Please note i have attempted many times to fuel peace intermediary dialogue, sharing a few major pointers that are missing here, yet no one responds.

    The Native American Indians follow a 4 direction mode that i like to work with + suggest you also trying it out;

        They gather w/all, let the energy define the direction, figure out what best to do to resolve priorities, do it, then before starting over, assess what is missing/what went wrong, so not to carry it forward. Then start again staying in real time.

   Well why would an agreement get clear if the truth of origin of issue was not assessed, as in the real truth of US + Iran + others communications leading into each developing what they did. The history books are being rewritten + Govs are not telling the truth or many are still unaware them self. When yet we the people working globally for humanity have enough truth to fuel resolution to all disputes, when locals are unable, yet you do not answer to collectively offer input for changes to be clear, leaving no one left behind, why?  So please rethink + lets create a platform that can do this, as we offer ours + continue to develop it.

Not to mention show how IAEA is withholding the global reality of Nuclear Radiation Contamination now, when yet together all can create 1 global sound science that all tongues can work with daily as they perfect their enhanced limits working w/their natural rule of law, not others from across the planet. Rather working w/neighbors. So all aid from a far stops, as well the marketing of waste that only interferes in ones ability to self develop as one lives local, sharing in solidarity globally. Sharing awareness of the toxic ill states being marketed wrongly when now your community local `plan can stop this, as you work w/regulators showing them you no longer want to remain unaware, rather you want to self heal train + educates, collectively helping those unaware to read the early signs that nature gives all. if each sharpen ones sensors, simply understanding from the many skilled indigenous ethnic engineers still do_in what works.

  Professor Miguel Altieri fuels our path + can yours as well, please see our work + his.

    Present + past abuse/misuse/profiting being prioritized has left/leaving all in the Northern Hemisphere collecting accumulation of Nuclear contamination, unless they secretly also have put waste in southern hemisphere, for we do not get transparency. Nor do we get skilled equipment to monitor + warn those most vulnerable, as in fetus/pregnant women, children + frail to test w/meters + require expensive equipment, as in rain, dust, pollen, soil, food, etc. collectively to preplan + relocate or take cover, for thier is no known means to rid it, only move it in attempts to cleanse, use skilled herbal treatments as w/ Dr. Yun Wang in Seattle to help as well others as Chuck Hindmen www.midamericalandrestore.com/  working w/probiotics, or Professor Miguel Altieri showing reality of what to do w/global food crises, + we did not need Hillary Clinton contracting w/Japan to buy contaminated food, as the Fukishimi Dachii Nuclear plant continues to flow contaminated water into pacific ocean, as well many + the currents + winds circulate + add contamination accumulatively, not to mention as in the Iraq war US used depleted uranium in bullets, that was not depleted + due to error contaminated soldiers + they brought it home on clothes + w/sex contaminated future generation + wife, etc.

   People we share, is just an example of many working at this. For our objective is peacefully sharing this earth together so all hold self accountable, become aware + end all weapons of war. Leaving no one to profit over humanity when it exceeds the natural enhanced rule of law, that nature provides to all once each person/community does ones local `plan, working w/those sensitive to give respect to all life knowing what to prioritize to preserve our genetic biodiversity, for it is what truly sustains all life on earth.

   This presently is being overridden  by those profiting + all the regulatory agencies are lost in fragmentation unable to organize transparency, as we suggest to fuel all to resolve together. Each community working w/students knowing exactly who, what + where + in a tapering transition welcome all to make sound science understanding the local natural enhanced limits that can be + that which exceeded it. Not just override as in how US + others abused Iran in past, as well the many countries interfered in by profits, leaving many people suffering.
Shame on you if lying + aware of it, for you will be discovered + also invited to make wrongs right. + Those unaware still contributing to this disassociated energy, we can harness it, so have empathy + let's prioritize ASAP., as you gather w/your community + welcome students to network, then to bring back eye to eye options for you all to create upon that works for your community. No more staying isolated w/what you think you know.

    We can show skillfully, we need research + Governments/UN globally to address research to properly store waste for future generations survival, not to mention research to do it as well stop all Nuclear plants, Nuclear weapons of war/products, etc. due to leaking/mismanaged/yet profiteering prioritizes it to continue as well some skilled say they are needed if countries are to have weapons of Nuclear, to make it cheaper.

      US being the worse of all w/amounts. as they + others continue to make them as others profit. Meanwhile we meet yesterday a Filipino stating Japan is pushing off contaminated food to them as they know see children`s lymph nodes inflamed, etc. + We see Japan is not allowing even doctors to tell the truth to families, so they understand why their children are ill. As it has spread to Tokyo area 300 miles away, as we have a test done this year showing dust in houses + soil as children have contaminated soil on shoestring then to put fingers in mouth getting more exposure. Meanwhile the world does nothing to help research the repair to stop the broken. We personally have experience of diving nuclear plant seeing leaks as management lies to keep them going.

    Enough scars on the planet as well continued lies + lack of transparency, when yet together we have options + we the people will continue to work at it, considering Govs do not respond w/truth not regulating agencies.

   Globally we need to welcome our human family to help us do this, holding all accountable to act immediately for the safety of humanity, for many have died prematurely + continue to suffer without proper medical care. The US Gov is dysfunctional + should allow the Global community including US residents to take part + we have a way to fuel this defining.

  I want to thank all of you for the work you do. Each one of you have interested us, to share your work fueling others. As our goal is to make the process of living local more friendly, sharing globally. We are a US non profit 501.c3 called - i come to talk story, you can see our work on our link below.

   We are perfecting our platform + making a personal  move, preparing us to continue our networking, So i am deleting my subscription from you all at this time to simplify. So i do not have so many emails littering the airwaves. As we lower our footprint.

  If any of you are interested in updating your work/link on our spreadsheet, at link below, then please do add or delete. If i can help you then please email. Some of you have not responded + may not have your link on it, it is your choice to self register or contact me, kara at email below. As well i am happy to go eye to eye w/Congress, etc showing studies of this Nuclear Crises we are in + have been in for some time.

I'm happy to say Google`s Adgrant to us as a non profit, has showed our ads globally over 3,050,900. plus to date. This has been a lot of work + we yet to get donations. Although we are happy to fuel others to help fine tune this process, as we cover many interpersonal issues, due to people in the fog over the issues of the times. When yet humanity + the world gives us a wealth of solution oriented options.

   As well dealing w/our global priority issues of the times, so no one is left behind. Nor can we the people accept any Gov to withhold the truth or remain blind to it.

   But we also are asking for donations to restructure + perfect a good technical virtual platform, sharing your links for communities to work w/students to focus direct together, co_evolving curriculum, developing oneself while restoring ones ecological sustainable working community + networking. Not reinventing the wheel, rather creating upon the much good work in progress.

   We share on our spreadsheet now many good people simply living `boon w/the natural world, making this happen. As well stories to share, welcoming others to come aboard.

Sincerely, we look forward to your feedback, peace is our option if we share what works.
Thank you for your patience,

    Still working w/Google, non profit/Ed Apps, to use their good tools.
 I welcome you to come link w/the sun will set page so please take part + donate in ways most comfortable to you.

 I`m here for you willing to do an exchange, if you want to help us reach out..

    come talk, kara j lincoln`s email; kareje@ictts.org


 Peace, kara + mishi

Please see the Council for Livable World`s work below;

On Saturday, July 25, 2015 5:00 AM, "Angela Canterbury, Council for a Livable World" <advocacy@clw.org> wrote:

View this message on our website.
Council for Livable World
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Council: Front and Center

An update on arms control, national security, and politics from Council for a Livable World and the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.
What’s News:

We Have a Deal—and It’s a Very Good One
On July 14th, after nearly two years of negotiations, the U.S. and its negotiating partners reached a final agreement to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. All without a single bomb dropped, diplomacy prevailed in producing a solid agreement that blocks all of Iran’s pathways to the bomb. Read the full statement released by the Council and Center.

This agreement is, however, not yet a done deal. The challenge remains to defend this agreement against a GOP-led Congress—which now has until mid-September to review it—and a force of opposition mobilized by big-money backers.

Arms control and national security experts on the board and staff of the Council and Center have been on Capitol Hill testifying before Congress and briefing members of Congress and their staff on the merits of the deal. Dr. Jim Walsh (our international security expert from MIT), Ret. Col. Dick Klass, Ed Levine (longtime Senate Staffer), Angela Canterbury (executive director), John Isaacs (senior fellow), and Greg Terryn (Research and Policy Associate) have been trekking up and down Capitol Hill to inform Members of Congress about the benefits of the deal and the dangers of its rejection. See our latest factsheets for information on this deal.
Take Action Now and Help Prevent War
The good news: the opposition may have money, but we have people! For the next two months, we will rely on people like you to create a groundswell of support for this deal in Congress.
Here are two ways you can join the movement and help right now:
Sign this pro-deal petition we’ve joined with like-minded partners at StopWarWithIran.com. We will be delivering hundreds of thousands of these petitions next week at a press conference on Capitol Hill featuring pro-diplomacy members of Congress. Help us get to half-a-million signatures!
Send an email to your representative and senator right now and help us flood their inboxes in support of this deal.
Mobilizing the Netroots
Last weekend, Council for a Livable World attended the Netroots Nation conference for the first time, where thousands of progressive activists, bloggers, candidates, and members of Congress gathered. In partnership with MoveOn.org, we hosted an event that drew a huge crowd of foreign policy progressives and featured Reps. Keith Ellison and Hank Johnson. Executive Director Angela Canterbury also spoke at the conference’s only foreign policy panel: A Progressive Foreign Policy Begins in Iran, where she explained the critical importance of mobilizing progressives behind this watershed deal, and this opportunity to prevent war. You can watch the entire panel on our website here.

Council board member Dr. Jim Walsh, an international security expert at MIT, has been a go-to expert on the Iran deal over the past few weeks.
Watch Dr. Walsh on CNN
Watch Dr. Walsh on FOX News

The Navy Should Seek Quality, Not Quantity
Governor John Kasich of Ohio, who just added his name to the GOP presidential hat, has his eye on a major expansion of U.S. Naval ships. In an article for Military.com, Council board member Daniel Wirls critiqued the Governor’s pledge, arguing that it’s the quality of ships that’s important here, and not quantity. Read the full article here.
Political Tip Sheet
Don’t miss this update on the most recent news in the 2016 elections from Senior Fellow John Isaacs.
The F-35: When ‘Too Big To Fail’ Fails
The F-35 is a $1.5 trillion plane that is fraught with flaws and is bankrupting America. Sarah Tully offers 10 Things America Could Buy Instead of the F-35—including cancer treatment and buying school lunches for children below the poverty line. Check it out on BuzzFeed!
NDAA Remains in Limbo
The congressional conference on the Fiscal Year 2016 National Defense Authorization Act has been officially postponed until September. Before Congress leaves for their Summer recess, Council for a Livable World sent this letter to the conferees with our positions on critical provisions, including the F-35, nuclear weapons dismantlement funding, and missile defense.
The Bomb Turns 70
In 1945 the world’s first nuclear bomb was detonated in New Mexico, forever altering the course of history. Read from our Summer Intern Matt Price on the Nukes of Hazard Blog who recounts just how far we’ve come since this fateful day, and the challenges that lie ahead.
Sen. Murphy on “Boots on the Ground”
The U.S. has been bombing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria for nearly a year. In a recent debate at the Brookings Institute, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) argues that the U.S. response to this terror group must not include the commitment of American troops on the ground. Read a full account of the debate from Matt Price.
America’s Next Great Expense
A recent study on the cost-effectiveness of nuclear weapons has us asking: at the cost of $1 trillion, are nuclear weapons the best bang for our taxpayer buck? Read more about this study from Matt Price on the Nukes of Hazard blog.
A New Cold War Can be Prevented
Despite what the hawks say, the U.S. and Russia are not headed for a Cold War redo. Matt Price writes on the Nukes of Hazard blog how, through careful diplomacy, icy relations between the world’s two biggest nuclear powers can in fact be warmed.

Be Social:

The Iran deal debate isn’t just taking place in the halls of Congress; it’s filling up the feeds of social media. We must use new media to elevate our champions, and to inform and educate the public on this good deal. Check out our most recent infographics in support of the agreement and click on the graphic to share.
Dick Durbin Iran Deal
GOP Iran Deal Resolution
Iran Deal poll graphic
Joint Chiefs Iran

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                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story
Peace is real! Peace is real!
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Re: Our answer + others update to `Quietly Into Disaster, video, what we can do together..

In reply to this post by Peace is real!
In seeing perhaps a mistake here to save today on 5.8.18, years after I did this post. I've co_evolved and see how the US Gov has and still is very dysfunctional. And if yet to see my work researching what Pres Obama and Sec Hillary Clinton did out in the world, then see our Google Document;

It's about time. As well see my post on today 5.8.2018 from Jamen Shively's Social Club on youtube in a Hangout as we decide how best to save life on earth/space systems.
                     Peace is an option if we share it,
            `patches + `pockets everywhere are linking,
good folks are building this network along with their community's
                                       eye to eye...
  Join in and let's keep Nabble as a great tool to help all organize
 and link getting real needs met and offerings shared!

   We are transitioning w/your critical thinking using common sense;

       Prioritizing ridding toxic-resolving, w/all to restore healthy working communities locally and afar! Our virtual platform is free to all, as we create together an intro explaining, an archive and message board here on Nabble for education, for you to create with that also makes nice tourism and peace plan  for all to explore, as we save all life on earth and celebrate while doing it!!

 Thank you Nabble and Google, for sharing Humanity's solutions locally and afar to all earthlings!! We welcome you as we transition both sites!

                                      Nabble site;


                            Google site, under construction!                                                                    

         Please Donate if have to give, to our US 501.c3 Nonprofit Charitable Association; Label Donation. If want a tax receipt, please give us
                         your info and we will send you one;

            Email kara; farmwuwei@gmail.com

     If I can answer more, or you want to correct us or gather a group until we complete this, for further understanding, young or old, please do!
                           Thank you, for making a difference!
                              Love us at `i come to talk story