Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Official MAM Statement. Please read. Organizers please Share in your event pages.

 We would like to remind everyone that MAM does not support violence or aggression towards property or people. Violence will only set us back.

 Please be clear this movement is non-violent. We want the world to hear us. We must behave like adults and not stoop to the level of violence.

 Our Marches are family events. We will have children, elderly, and disabled people present. Violence of any kind will not be acceptable.

 Please be warned that often times Monsanto themselves will send in their own plants to try and incite or instigate aggression. Do not be fooled. They are trying to destroy our unity.

 With that said, Please do not bring violence or abusive comments to our March or to our Event pages. Your comments will be deleted and if it continues you will be banned.

 We encourage all organizers of the individual events to share this message.

 Please be warned if you are an instigator you will not be tolerated at our march and our organizers will ask you to stop or leave. If you continue, we ourselves will politely and calmly ask a Police officer to remove you.

 We encourage all organizers to be open and talk with your local police and make clear to them that these events are family events and we will cooperate and work with them to remove anyone who incites aggression.

 Please understand, we are not trying to be authoritarian but that we have a responsibility to create a peaceful event for our children, parents, grandparents and all attending.

 Remember the world will be watching and we have an example to set. Violence would be seized upon by the media and Monsanto. They would use this as propaganda to discredit the movement and label us as eco-terrorists. This is not a joke. We are standing up against one of the most powerful corporations that ever existed.

 This is why we reiterate no violence of any kind will be tolerated. We know most of you know this but for the few who did not you do now. For the instigators you are not welcome and we stand firm united in NON-Violence.

 While we will be speaking up against the politicians and the cooperation’s we will not condone any comments or threats of aggression towards them. We will expose their crimes and demand justice and change of policy. We do not by any means condone any type of vigilantism . Our mission is to raise awareness, expose, and legally stop Monsanto, and their cronies, crimes against humanity. We would like to see GMOs Labeled and/or banned until they can without a doubt be proven safe. This far we have seen the opposite. GMOs are not safe. Monsanto is an unethical unmoral corporation and they have been committing crimes against humanity for decades.

 This event is a platform to bring us together in Unity. From here we can work together to create a powerful base of grass roots activism . We encourage all to network together and continue to work towards supporting ballot initiatives that are in place to label GMOs or Ban them and create initiatives that have not yet been created. Continue working together to expose politicians that serve Monsanto and promote politicians that stand with the people.

We encourage all to create mailing lists and FB groups where you can continue working together after the march and until we have reached our goals. You may want to bring an ipad and have everyone who is interest type in their emails so you have a ready digital email list to bring people together for future efforts. This event has created powerful momentum and its in our best interest to brainstorm Ideas on how we can keep the ball rolling.

posts on FB MAMCB;

    everyone please note I had contacted Bonnie at Pony Mall again + this is her answer for us to set up + share at the tomato roma; We do not feel that this is a good time for debate on the subject as it causes controversy. The Master Gardeners requested that if we decided to invite you at this event that we put you at least a block from their space.... That did not sound encouraging and we have decided to invite you to come at a different time. I hope you understand and sorry for not communicating this sooner. We are open to discussing a better time for you presence .

Best regards,


Erin Dye Thank you Kara for letting us know. That is truly disappointing. I would hope that group would be one we could count on for support.

Kara J Lincoln thank you organizers!

yes sadly many people with misinformation, etc. are leaving negative effects. so thank you for posting above, + yes we need to establish a back up plan, whom will be positioned where + a chosen director for what to do efficiently if negative effects take place. ex; I offer if say one is having dispute difficulty unable to calm one that is continuing to be aggressive. we can help them understand + discuss calming ways.

 or if one should get hurt, whom has cell? to call for help, I don't carry a cell. so maybe in all strategic locations we can have a few people offering to over mind in such occurrences. as well a strategy for children or frail to be relocated in a positive manor, such as calmly take + start singing or focusing without them being fearful, start playing a focused game.

 we all have worked collectively to resolve + are determined to continue to do this in a positive manor, not fear based, rather we can grip this energy, harness all that we have allowed to interfere + use it wisely as good fuel + redirect, now understanding as we continue to network locally + afar. making good relations to resolve.

 we want to create simple basic instruction with using detail locations, contact info + we can contact them ahead of time to also prepare for timing, know how long it takes to get an ambulance in or police. I could research this if you want?? let me know as you all share in this instruction.

 if we plan, integrate, you will efficiently know how well your help can be more than a little. + this group you locals build now can be great contributions to work needed to take back you local sovereignty.

 then I find as we share + network our detail locally how it works for us. same others, taken on their local responsibility, then this is how we link nationally/globally as we continue as a human family to share this earth + beyond in harmony.

 showing reality of how we need no war mode or false green economies, rather we regain understanding for simple respect for all life. thank you all for all that you have done!

Erin Dye Your giving me some good ideas Kara! Thank you!

Kara J Lincoln yes you folks know well how your streets are designed to evacuate, etc. actually I went to Coquille in last month + we just missed a terrible car accident with serious injury that many had stopped to help, but I timed the ambulance + ability for patrols to stop traffic, it was not good.

 but then they came from all directions.

so we have to be able to be prepared to address/assist + relocate, with a lot of people from parade + as ex; street near water, it limits us, so we need to be creative + focus for a bit, but not worry.

a little planning is helpful, then if we have some key words we all can then take an assess again, not just react to what is being told to us from afar. but rather seriously keep self present in the moment + responsibly act, even if against direction, this is what I suggest.

for panic alone can interfere from one that may of simply choked on their food + people start thinking it is something else.

the media reports of all the negative happenings with out good constructive follow up is sometimes making issues worse.

so please lets just keep it simple common sense so we all have a good time + gain from this experience.

it would be good for us to generate a calm reflection + even give few moments of silence with a que so we all do it together, thru out the rally. would we then move the posters together, what do you think. for as we do our motion by seeing + feeling, so lets give out this beautiful energy that many are struggling with. so we feel when to give what. in respect to all the beautiful life we are interdependent on that makes us what we are.

so we share how to `boon with it.