Happy Solstice, please give a little + gain a lot locally, globally, + prep for Nuclear/war Symposium..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
  Please take a review of some ideas in the building, we welcome you to help with, to share along your walkabout to trigger all to come together + do one`s local `plan eye to eye, networking in solidarity sharing what works locally + afar.

Ex; updates are on top. But please do take time to use these as examples for your community as well here in Coos County to resolve what can. Together we can make a difference, if you are willing to come together w/ a local `plan, for many are here to help once organized making options.

Re; Lisa + Eddie information. If anyone interested you can contact kara`s email; kareje@ictts.org


  Coos Bay County Commissioner John Sweet gave me his suggestion of what Lisa Wilcox + Eddie Perez have available, after talking to others. He was wrong when he stated for Lisa to go back to ER for a medical detox program when they have none. As I stated below after 12 hours I spent w/her going to Newmark Center for their advice then on to NB Mental Health for the assessor that talked w/us, also telling us the same, to go to ER for medical detox. So after waiting for 4 hours at ER Bay Hospital + doctors saw her + released her, as she asked them for medical detox + they said they have none.

+ John also suggested the State of Oregon Adult + Persons w/Disability whom I have left message with, tel; 541-944-2111. I HAVE LEFT 2 MESSAGES + ASKED THEM TO CONFIRM IF THIS NUMBER IS CORRECT DUE TO LACK OF HEARING THEIR VOICE MESSAGE. (IF ANYONE CAN CONFIRM, MUCH APPRECIATED.)

Last time I saw them it was cold + Lisa had her coat over her head + I told them what John said. Lisa was screaming in response to Eddie telling me she was at a rehab when she said she was at Jasons house, one we met at the ER. Whom Lisa choose to go home with considering he had a warm bed extra, vs. coming back to the cold damp wrecked vehicle I previously told many about including you, if read my email.

Presently they both are mad at me. I had went over to owner of wrecked vehicle after ER said no medical detox, + I was going to ask him for if we could clean + give blankets for them to continue to stay until housing, + he went into a rage stating I already called the police + they trashed his vehicle, which I said no it had so much mold + damage already, but yes them living it that way was no good, but it was a shelter although disease breeding w/leeks dirty blankets, etc. But for them it was a home + warm. Now it had been frost here + they were without. As well 2 neighbors told me Eddie was hitting her few days prior. + Later in week she had been laying in the street drunk, screaming + supposedly police were called + when came she had gone.

The vehicle is now gone. + They both think I told him it was them + had it removed, which was not true, Eddie had told me he talked to owner + owner let him stay + was not kicking him out, so he blames me.

 Today I had asked Eddie if he would consider what John Sweet suggested if he would stop his sobriety. Eddie + another young man that looks very ill now w/sores all over his face that walks around w/blankets saying he is cold, but it is 12:30 + warmer out. I stopped as they were ordering food at the Monkey carry out at Charleston Marina.

Eddie in his non drinking or drug if he does?? he says no, but Lisa said meth or I saw him 1 day w/a glass bong, so I don't know, but now he says I am the cause of him being kicked out + he will not tell me anything more + today I said he was lying + told the other young man he should get away from him. Eddie told him if you listen to her you will slap her in the face + then Eddie being very tired looking came at me + told me to stay out of his face, he was not interested in quitting drinking.

I walked backward avoiding him to hit me, for he is aggressive as others have stated + that is why he is barred from Davey Jones + the other liquor store, whom I both have talked with, for I was trying to define if Eddie was telling the truth, + everything he has told me is not real.

Do I think he would of hit me probably. When I asked Lisa in front of him if he hit her she said who cares maybe i'll die, for no one is interested in helping her. It was wrong for ER + all to do what they did, once she finally agreed to wanting help + says she is w/Eddie due to nothing else. He would feed her + attempt help he says as I saw them 2 together happy, + he said at times he could not help after she drank too much, she would get wild.

   I suggested to John how community can change all this. Eddie has done work supposedly, I yet to talk to Steve Wilson with f/v kara j in the yard. That Eddie said he worked at, + feels he does good hard work + wants it.

  by having a community tel line, people can become updated, so i would not of had to think so much of them being without, rather by each offering as they did, once organized we could go figure preventing anyone from being w/out, getting more ill as this situation plays out over way too many years without people organizing to humanely resolve. So these people do not have to resort to crime just to stay warm or eat.

Point is as I stated to all if wrecked vehicle was illegal, this is not a junk yard it should be removed, but w/respect to them. + If Eddie is being aggressive doing to over trying empathy needs to support him, not just lock him up. But assessments for even temporary disabilities should be done. For lisa said she had a brain issue few years back, her knees hurt, she was in detox for 12 hrs I was with her running around, which she proved she could not talk, eat, sleep, constipated + shaking. I told ER docs all on paper for they did not get me in as they said they would.

Medical detox can be done for aprox 300.00 /month via Traditional Chinese Medicine w/herbal formulas that the person taking reduces craving by tea, aiding liver, kidneys, etc. vs as in going thru channels that she is not capable to do as well supposedly the Buckley house in Eugene is 250. per day + she could perhaps get insurance says ADAPT  Crisis counselor, but all has to be arranged + she or him agree to let me doing anything now, they just blame + the other night I dropped off a blanket, not a good one, it was thin, but a friend gave it for them + all Eddie could say was is it clean. Darin in the small camper trailer behind campground behind Davey Jones continues to try to help, at times gives up. But they just happened to be in his trailer ready to go sleep somewhere when I dropped it off.

I only know what I have seen of Eddie working on long line pots + Lisa hanging out. I took them both to Mindi at Thrifty Sisters, for no clothes warm, especially Lisa. She gave them both some + was kind enough to facebook for his shoes.

Point is community has had it with them + it is hard when he has to manipulate for others to cash in cans out of trash when no work. I feel the 3 people now need medical attention + it is wrong for them to be released, rather they should have what is necessary as in psych assessment, medical detox + medical treatment, vs. all 3 get worse as I am observing over last few weeks. This is inhumane to allow such breeding grounds on our community members, even if new people. But i understand thee few have been here for several years.

   Where is humanity that you do not realize ill people do illegal things to survive, yet if caught early on to help them rethink/heal, give them support + respect all life deserves, now they can become equal community participants. We have much work needed to do as I suggest in do_in a local `plan.

Everyone has a breaking point + as a non profit as well a community participant while I am here, I am happy to help if support is given + all are interested in listening to such a `plan.

I submit to you what I proposed + I am willing to help further but all have to be on same page, for I no longer will jeopardize my own safety, especially w/his record of hitting his wife, as well now Lisa, as he thinks wrongly.

So please let me know how I can help more + take a review of top update sent to John + others on this link, as well welcome to read all regarding other issues locally + afar that affects us now, if yet too.

Thank you all for what you can do after reading below, kara

As of 1.5.2015 I submit the following update to US Gov/local regulators as well people asking for your support of what we can do now;

  RE; Emergency attention is needed + i would appreciate it if you give this to Barack Obama + Congress, etc..


 Sadly what is in US, is no stable support system for those addicted/homeless when do alcohol/drugs/not to mention same sound science for education system speaking same language w/community. When yet i have defined how easy this could be. For if one is illegal on ones property as these 2 people have been, + if community has experienced them living in a rat mode, meaning moldy wrecked vehicles, then police should take them into secured setting + they deserve a psych test w/history included of few local observers as i have done. Then they should go to proper support system as in a bed available in secured setting + be given medical detox appropriately.

  Not jailed w/no drugs properly given, nor should this be expensive to anyone when herbal formulas customized for each is cheaper + more helpful for then as in alcohol, one will taper off them self not having cravings + liver, kidney, etc. is treated, etc. as in lung condition developed by sleeping in wet/cold/moldy spaces.

More so every community development plan especially when state now is asking as in Port to give an overview for loans/grants, so they include housing + secured support system when one in need. So instantly when one is noticed or comes to town in need, they can go thru efficient channels so one walks them thru.

   Where as now every entity i took Lisa too misguided + refused to give her a place to sleep or detox started, from Newmark Center, NBend Mental Health, ER Bay Hospital, Police, all stating if she say NO then they cannot take her + she goes back to street. Even New County Commissioner John Sweet, although all kind, they are all inappropriately unaware of what is + misguides making this more difficult. As well have no clue of how easy this could be done, if planning requires all to create such a recycled space + housing w/support + counseling all coming together vs. fragments.

  When people are ill, if one sees a bleeding area, they instantly want to help + measures in place. But if one is known to pass out drunk in the cold, + Lisa has done this several times, even in low tide to be covered by high then taken w.hypothermia then released to walk home w/out warm clothing to again an illegal wrecked vehicle. Or as w/ADAPT supervisor programmer stating they would give a tent + sleeping bag, to again sleep where illegally.

How sick is this yet US Gov spends such on budgets w/military leaving greater damage as you bomb.

Every community can have a % of all developments to go to what is required w/a simple ER tel line 24/7 for community to give help covering all bases. So no misinformation or even information when one cannot cognitively comprehend due to being in need for detox, constipated, shaking, cold unable to eat or sleep. Meanwhile police answering service says they cannot pick one up for that.

Where is the humanity for people unable to provide for oneself? Do you not see the expense of insurance + to all for these repeated happenings, let alone the anxiety i have experienced + many in trying to resolve, knowing i have warm food + shelter + they do not. This last week had frost on the ground, yet that does not seem to matter.

People are great assets to all when healthy, when mentally + physically down all hurt one way or the other.

If every one simply responsibly supports the local `plan as well responsibly ses that their are no wrecked housing, then people will not succumb to rats.

Barack + associates,  I have seen thru acting w/these homeless people they are ill + unable to know the truth from the stress of how they are trapped.

  As well the same w/legal entities they are fragmented + unskillfully acting, when could.

So all sides are in need of support, yet people think no jobs, when yet many positions need to be fulfilled + can link for a healthy balanced working ecological sustainable community to regain the respect for all life working within the natural rule of law + link the natural working order that all globally are in need of + are interdependent of. As a living organism that we the human species are.Sound science is in need + can correct all this that i speak of, if resources could be allocated for this.

Yet the way Gov supports the law they have to be how ill? or be more illegal how much? before humanity realizes how these acts create ill + illegal people.

Yet US Gov allows these unskilled positions + then allow people to profit as people are attacked wrongly, when yet humanity deserves + requires sensitive conscious aware people as regulators to guide w/the people to become aware vs remain guilty due to not knowing what to do, when yet in fragments the world offers solution oriented options abundantly.

This is Coos County, OR i speak of that can only say their must be a misunderstanding, try again, yet one in a regulatory board status has difficulty reading what i have given.

Yes my editing is not the best but i do my best to get clear w/solutions, for it is inhumane to allow one to live this way.

In Russia no one was homeless years ago as my man experienced people rotating letting people come in when hungry or in need of sleep, for each to define oneself, heal + w/respect build one's life.

Lisa + Eddie i speak of here can only say i no longer care if i die, i am tired of being cold, as Lisa hangs on to all she knows which chases yet another beer + cigarette + can't see beyond their own lies, now thinking i had their wrecked vehicle taken away, when yet the owner, when i asked if we could clean + help until community fragments fill in, could only say they trashed it + he called the police for them + it to be removed. Yet after seeing the condition it was in, sure they did not help, but the broken state + mold was their long before Eddie + Lisa moved in.

Where is the decency + sensitivity skilled to process ASAP, w/respect? W/all the good people wanting to help, yet simply due to no organization, they are bewildered. Yet if we all give a little, we all gain a lot w/a healthy community that lives local, do_in ones local `plan, where everyone is on same page.

So no more does one ill walk in or be supported to walk in + be given pages of entities to go sort out, when yet unable to even think.

Shame on those in responsible positions.

Us being busy w/defining how this can be resolved, has kept us as a non profit yet to fundraise. We have worked for over 35 years giving w/out others paying us. So this week i hope Google to work w/us correcting their mistakes that has further detained me from structuring.

So i ask you for your support as well. If i can gain the funds i could concentrate + we could fine tune this system for every county/globally to have the support in place to heal, build new neural networks w/.the reality of the times. Not the programmed mode carried forward from the earth + beyond`s many scars leaving many left behind in every community.

So please confirm how you can support me to help you do this, + what people you best suggest i to work with to make this efficiently take place. So together we end the war mode + false green economies presently profiting + controlling regulators, when yet they could come back + become a local participant, do_in the local `plan, so all become mindful local, global + beyond participants..

Sincerely, kara j lincoln
 End email.

    As well;

  Do check back w/this top link below of New Ordinance in the working, for updates + continue to clean it up, asking all to take part here as we prep for Dr. Helen Caldicott`s Symposium, welcoming all to be mindful + share along your walkabout, so communities get involved, working w/one`s students to help us network as we all focus direct together.

Helen`s; http://helencaldicottfoundation.org/symposium-the-dynamics-of-possible-nuclear-extinction-l-february-28-march-1-2015-at-the-new-york-academy-of-medicine/

  See our prep to trigger your thought to take part;


  As the season continues i am working w/a few in need of housing ER care, yet ER Bay Hospital releases, no medical detox program. + Shelter does not take if drink, on + on the community does not know what each offer + mislead. This lady`s respiratory problem also is building as they continue to live in very bad conditions.

  Remember Buckly house wants 250./day/patient as Ex; when yet if you read this 1st link + see the reality of what is needed + what we all can do know, we can actually define the truth, since Gov/media is not prioritizing + we can for 300.00 US dollars per month approximately give herbal customized formulas that others in the community are happy to make, as Dr. Yun Wang guides w/Traditional Chinese Medical ways that work. To detox supporting the liver/kidney/organs so the person is not prevented from doing drugs or alcohol, rather they themself will cut back so it leaves nor further ER cold turkey mode either. Supporting the transition of regaining sharp sensors.

Same amount of fee aprox for radiation, if mama pregnant due get it, Call Dr. Yun Wang, tel; 1-206-367-9180. We must define these missing links + if early signs, a lot easier for community to work together, best to treat all. It is inexcusable for people to fragment wrongly when all good energy can resolve as each redirect.

   So folks this is what we can do together now + i appreciate your input to mindfully act ASAP convenient, locally, as well for Dr. Helen Caldicott` 2.18.15 Symposium on Nuclear/war. Please note i spelled IMF wrong stating INF + we can also ask these people to rethink w/us as i have asked David Rockefeller to review, letting us help where he is wrong.

    This link below is what we started with, as a few of us got together in thought looking for solutions for Nuclear/war mode + false green, economies, as we continue to work at ending this.. + Will now continue on into defining how best to act as we get informed/act w/Dr. Helen Caldicott`s 2.28.15 Symposium.

    So please take a review + act with us where best;


       + Other from past to trigger you to act locally;


For those of you that prefer not to have to sign in to Google`s requirements i share a LibreWord version;


Also please forgive the many editorial mistakes for our focus is subject matter, so please set us straight for errors, for our tools have been broken + we are fighting text editors not talking to each other let alone some people.

    i see Kathy Wall i misspelled, sorry + hope well! + i correct Bill`s contact for the beautiful 1400`s music he shared called `the stars of the heavens, whom i am presently asking to obtain some written music for thoughts of the student`s performing it;

    i quote Bill;

        At our `Exploring Music website we are glad to provide personal service.
You may either click here to email us directly or call 773.279.2114. If you wish to send a note with questions or comments directly to Bill McGlaughlin, you may do so by writing to comments@exploringmusic.org

+ Thank you Melissa Cribbins, Don Gurney, John W Sweet + all for working w/all to define one`s voice;

 This link below offers some suggestions of the positions you may enjoy to donate your time + resources;


                          Our combined `effect makes a difference..
                                    Thank you all for what you do!

                                 Happy Solstice, love kara + mishi