Climate Honesty - Ending Climate Brightsiding

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
Hear Dr Ye Tao on his truth;

10,569 views  Nov 13, 2022
Current data on emissions, atmospheric concentrations, global temperatures, and widening impacts are frightening.  Even so, some of the most worrying science has been downplayed, while the emissions curve continues to rise.  Clearly, such brightsiding, not only limits the climate agenda, but is neither scientific nor ethical.  Dr. Jem Bendell exposes the danger of imagining that we can ignore facts, playing games with nature, because nature always wins.

Dr. Ye Tao explains why efforts towards net zero, while essential, have the effect of reducing the global dimming that is the result of polluting particles, which is actually cooling the planet significantly:  a terrifying dilemma that has been largely ignored.  Yet many influential organizations criticize people for being ‘too negative’ about the current and future impacts of #GlobalHeating.

Dr. Tao's #MEER framework turns plastic and aluminum waste as well as glass and bamboo into mirrors that can create significantly cooler temperatures, potentially saving millions from extreme heat events.

More honesty with the public can begin with professionals recognizing and ending their own cognitive dissonance.  Therefore, this session ends with the declaration of a new Scholars’ Oath to the Future.  This has already been endorsed by over 100 scholars from over 20 countries.  
Others are welcome to add their names.

For more on Jem Bendell's work:

For more information on the Meer Framework:

Music : At the Bazaar by David Fesliyan


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