Agroecological systems/political movement is here to create with..

Posted by Peace is real! Peace is real!
 Please let the great work being done by Prof Miguel Altieri and his wife Clara Nicholls fuel you to do your local `plan part time w/your/or others collectve communities. Here's some of their work;

          From link above, some present work in link below;

      I'm taking a few interesting notes from a link, unable to post;

        Traditional farming systems have an important role to play in mitigation of climate
change especially through carbon sequestration because of the carbon storage potential in
its multiple plant species and soil (Mutuo et al. 2005). Although the potential seems to be
substantial and agroecological improvement of the design and management of such systems
can make them even more effective carbon sinks, small diversified farms occupy less than
20 % of the total arable land, and could not offset the emissions produced by industrial
agriculture which occupies 80 % of arable land with input intensive monocultures responsible
for between 19 and 29 % of total greenhouse emissions.

   Dryland Agriculture; The world shares a wealth of information to work w/now.

  A widely used technique is rainwater harvesting (RWH) which consists in the collection
and concentration of runoff from small catchment areas (Critchley 1989). Small earthen
basins are a simple method of trapping rainfall and thereby holding soil in situ. The basins
found on the Dogon Plateau of Mali consist of a network of semi-permanent ridges
constructed by hand. Similar basins are apparently also found amongst the Kofyar of the
Jobs Plateau of Nigeria. Enlarged planting holes, or pits, are a feature of certain relatively flat
semi-arid regions of West Africa. Traditions of hand-dug pits for land rehabilitation have
been successfully revived by projects in Burkina Faso (where pits are known as zay) as well
as in Niger (tassa) (Reij et al. 1996). The pits act as microcatchments, not just holding, but
also concentrating, rainfall from the area between them. The application of manure in the
pits further enhances growing conditions, and simultaneously attracts soil-improving termites.
Larger, deeper pits are typically found on steeper slopes. The most renowned are these
pits of southwest Tanzania, which have apparently been in use for several centuries and
currently extend over some 18,000 ha (Stigter et al. 2005). Online Resource 1
      In below link, quote `by applying agroecological knowledge you can tell why a field planted with GMOs is unsustainable: there is no diversity, no nutrient cycling and, it isn’t socially fair. With agroecological knowledge you can even analyse the detrimental ecological and political impact of GMOs. As well they compare organic farming to agroecology:

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Re: Agroecological systems/political movement is here to create with..

Agro_ecological update w/good news!